Opinions expressed are those of the author, not necessarily the editors of the Insider
Part 4 of a short series of articles on Political Events in Connecticut by Tim D. Enchanter
Thursday, October 4rd, 2012 from 7-9pm near
Zorba’s in Gianni’s Plaza, Meriden, CT
When I went to Len Suzio’s campaign
headquarters to do some phone banking for him, it was at the invitation of
Robin Goss, a local patriot who is a lady in every classy sense of the word. It turned out to be the grand opening of the
headquarters and we encouraged people coming for the party to help us out with
the phones while waiting for the festivities to start.
Full Disclosure: I was the
Republican Candidate for the 13th State Senate District in 2008 and
became a sincere supporter of Len Suzio for that seat in 2010. This was because I got to know Len and became
convinced that he would do the job better than I would have. In fact, I am glad that I lost in 2008
because the people deserve the best representation available.
It warmed my heart to talk to a
handful of people on the phone that actually remembered me fondly from 2008 and
were happy with their current State Senator.
One even said I had been “a breath of fresh air” who had prepared the
way for a wonderful change. While I
fought the lumps in my throat and dried tears of joy, I went on to speak to
people who were not aware of state or local politics but happy to hear from the
campaign. Of the 65 calls I made, I
spoke to a dozen people. Ten were
interested, six of them being new voters who would support Len Suzio.
When the party started, I became
re-acquainted with people I knew and met new rising stars. Len Suzio shared his headquarters with others
running for other offices and encouraged people to help out their campaigns as
well as his. He gave special attention
to the following:
Meriden State Representative
Arlene Dunlop running in the 82nd
Pablo Soto running in the 83rd
Dave Swedock running in the 84th
Middletown State Representative
Callie Grippo running
in the 33rd District
Deborah Kleckowski,
Middletown Councilwoman running in the 100th District
Since the Middletown Insider has
some excellent articles on State Senator Len Suzio and the two State
Representative Candidates from Middletown, I shall post links to those articles
at the end of my article so that you, the reader can read these insights.
For now, I will detail what I know
about State Senator Len Suzio and why I feel it is important that he be
re-elected so that he can continue to serve the residents not only of the 13th
State Senate District but also the entire State of Connecticut.
He has been the State Senator for
Cheshire, Meriden, Middlefield, Middletown, and Rockfall for two years and has
proven my previously stated feelings correct.
He has been actively available for all the residents of those towns and
has demonstrated that he cares about their concerns regardless of their
When I ran against Senator Gaffey
for this seat in 2008, the biggest complaint I heard from the people is that
they only see or hear him around election time.
Len has made meeting his constituents part of the job with his “corner”
meetings and promotion of charities and assistance for those who need it. He has become a regular on the “Vinnie Penn
Project” morning radio show and keeps the people up to date on what is
happening in Hartford.
He has succeeded in getting a cap
on the gasoline gross receipts tax to try to keep the price of gas from
increasing as much in CT as in other states.
“Any relief we can give the people is good for Connecticut”, I watched
him say.
Now he is leading the effort to
suspend early release of dangerous criminals.
We should all remember what happened to the Petit family in Cheshire a
couple years ago and now we have a story from Meriden. Both are in the 13th District and
Len Suzio is fighting to keep people safe.
Len Suzio has publicly pledged to
NOT vote to raise taxes, increase spending, or add to the State Debt, which is
already out of control. He opposes the
make-work project to have a bus line between Hartford and New Britain which
will cost $1,000 per inch and will only benefit a few special interest groups.
Do I sound a little biased? After watching the towns of the 13th
District slowly decay from the apathy of a political machine which liked things
the way they were, I had entered the race to bring representative government
back into style. Watching the work of
Len Suzio has been a refreshing change in that direction and I truly mean it
when I say that he is doing the job far better than I could have hoped to do
In 2008, we watched the State
Senate, lead by Senator Gaffey, override Governor Rell’s veto in order to give
a Billion Dollar Bond to the Department of Education which put the State of
Connecticut 300 million dollars into Debt.
My campaign and I did not do a good enough job telling the people about
this but the Hartford Courant exposed it.
When Governor Rell worked out a
plan to bring the state back into solvency, Senator Gaffey and his comrades
fought her every step of the way then blamed her for the debt they created in
spite of her efforts to save the state from bankruptcy. My efforts to hold them accountable fell
Now, Governor Malloy is doubling
down to run the State of Connecticut into insolvency. But where I failed, Len Suzio has succeeded
in rally public support. He has been
exposing and opposing the destructive policies of a Governor with a sweet tooth
that can only be satisfied by campaign contributions kicked backed from special
interest groups at the taxpayer’s expense.
So yes, I am biased. I want to see elected representatives
actually representing their constituents and caring about their needs, not the needs
of elected officials to keep power. We
vote for people to represent us, not themselves. That is what representation is about.
Len Suzio is doing this and we need
more like him.
“I am a lone voice crying in the wilderness
and I know you can hear me but will you listen?”
---Tim D.
Enchanter, Lone Wolf Patriot
*Editors note:No time to research? No excuses! Below gathered research ( links to every news story about candidates) courtesy of Tim. D. Enchanter on candidates for reader's to use to help aide in their decision process. Thank you Tim!:
CT Elections 2012: Deborah Kleckowski candidate for the 100th District
Downtown Business District Event Successful
Republican Candidate for the 100th District Deborah Kleckowski endorsed by Middletown Independent Party
Letter to the Editor: Kleckowski is an Asset
Your Daily Spin by the Middletown Mess! Lesser than Perfect
North End Meet the Candidate Night in Middletown
Letter to the Editor: Our Wallets Depend on Electing Kleckowski
Letter to the Editor: Vote Kleckowski, Lesser Supported Largest Tax Increase in Ct History
Letter to the Editor: Kleckowski will Advocate for All
As State Rep, Kleckowski Won't Raise Taxes and Will Make BOE Autonomous
“I am a lone voice crying in the wilderness and I know you can hear me but will you listen?”
---Tim D. Enchanter, Lone Wolf Patriot
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