Who is really running City Hall? If you guessed old guard Councilman Tom Serra and big brother Rep. Joe Serra you are wrong! Although they still hold the reins tight for the in-debt Water Department run under the leadership of Serra first cousin Director Guy Russo, it appears the grip on Mayor Drew's collar maybe loosening. Move over boys, a new person has taken the throne and SHE isn't going anywhere fast.And nope - not Nepotism Nelly Councilwoman Hope Kasper - , guess again... A staff meeting took place on Tuesday September 11 which was meant to discuss issues with how the Registrar of Voters Office is running and its relationship with the Town Clerks Office. Several City employees have expressed concern to Mayor Drew and Administrative Assistant Joe Samolis regarding unprofessional behavior of Deputy Democratic Registrar of Voters appointee and former Democratic Town Chair Lisa Santangelo. Our sources say the only thing the meeting produced was that Lisa Santangelo played on her cell phone the entire meeting while the mayor was speaking to everyone.Before issues where even brought up about Santangelo's behavior and bullying, the Mayor Drew said "This wasn't going to be a meeting where everyone can pile blame on one person." Those who had privately brought issues with Lisa Santangelo and her unprofessional, combative attitude were immediately shut down and essentially told nothing would be done. City employees have told us Santangelo has even taken a liking to wandering around the building into other offices that have no relationship with the Registrar's office, and then offers unsolicited advice to employees and directors how to do their jobs- ie her way! At issue here is the fact Lisa Santangelo and husband Councilman Bob Santangelo played a key role in getting Drew elected. The Santangelos were key fundraisers for the Drew campaign, ran the election headquarters and sheparded Drew's relationship with the Democratic Town Committee. Will Dan, the prodigal son ( and somewhat Manchurian-esque candidate) of the MDTC go against his creators and bite the hand that fed him? It seem's Dano is in quite a pickle- as the song from the musical Chicago goes: having gotten one done from Mama, now one has to do one for for Mama. The Insider predicts that to save face and retain favor, a deal will be worked out behind closed doors where Lisa Santangelo will resign and take a leave of absence for "personal reasons." This will be so Drew will not have to address the issue and stand up to his mentors in front of others. So we ask, who is really in charge at City Hall? Is it Mayor Drew or Lisa Santangelo? One is beholden to the other, and that is why Drew won't take actions against someone who has created such a disruptive & unpleasant environment in an office that never had these issues in the past. Confused still? Re-read our past post Middletown's Tangled Web of Nepotism here: http://www.middletowninsider.com/2012/06/middletowns-tangled-web-of-nepotism.html |
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Who is Really Running City Hall?
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I have an inkling that what you are printing is true, and I do know that the word INSIDER really means= works at City Hall.
ReplyDeleteThis is not Albany, Lisa. That is the one point she needs to understand. This is a nice small city that has ran well before she got here and will do the same after she is gone. The mayor needs to protect his employees from the bully in the basement. Otherwise he is going to have more problems then he wants.
ReplyDeleteJust a minor correction: Sandra Faraci is the elected Democratic Registrar of Voters; Lisa Santangelo is the appointed Depute Democratic Registrar of Voters; appointeed by the Registrar of Voters per the state statutes.
ReplyDeleteThe article is interesting to me because the powers that be are very aware of what is happening.. Lisa is on the loose and that is a fct, but if she the victims of her behavior (I.e. Registrar's office) need to report these actions to Farith Jackson in order to get a fair hearing.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE LISA starring Bob "ZIPPY" Santanelo and Lisa "CZAR" Santangelo on Channel 9. Back to back episodes.
ReplyDeleteEpisode 1: "We own the Mayor!"
Episdoe 2: "We can do what we want or we will walk out."
Finally someone replacing the other basement blonde bully?
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Why is it that the union has not been brought into this? Since when is it legal for a part-time employee to go into any office & order people around with her outrageous behavior? Why has noone gone to the union with a grievance? Lisa Santangelo is a bully & a control freak. She needs to be reined in & controlled like a mad dog. Her & husband Bob have done nothing for this city except put us to shame. It's time for him to get booted off the council, along with other Dems, & for her to go back to Albany & stay there.
ReplyDeleteLisa has it in her head that she can do whatever she wants because her hubby is "deputy mayor". Bob Santangelo has been lusting after the deputy mayor spot for many years & he has finally gotten there. Watch the council meeting & catch Bob snoozing (been doing it for years). What a pair! The City of Middletown needs to get rid of them along with all their cronies. Please, remember what is happening now during the next election & vote for a NEW Dem regime.
ReplyDeleteTo anomymous Sept 14 8:33am she may be the elected Democratic register of voters but she is not running the show. Lisa Santangelois is running the democratic registers office. I know that by emails sent by Mrs. Faraci and how it is addressed to the receipient. Trust me Lisa Santangelo and not Sandra Faraci is in charge.1
ReplyDeleteIn order for BOB S. to get voted of the council the folks would have to bullet him off because as part of the slate he will stay on forever or until resembles his large white dog- right, he already does.
ReplyDeleteLisa on the other hand is out of her mind. She has a small job at the Registrar of Voters and has no business sticking her snout in the affairs of other departments, but because as your toon shows, the Mayor DD owes her a lot for election favors and it works. Tommassi was canned for being ethical, but Santangelo is given Carte Blanche to do what she wants. Good Job Dems! Thanks, Dan and Joe.
Republicans, its time you get on the ball. Danny isn't going to bounce Aunt Lisa, afraid of her. The republican party needs to step up and get the media involved. Let the voters know whats going on. Let the town know their mayor in on a ball and chain with this female. What a shame that City Hall has become a funny farm. Too bad everyone is afraid to speak up. They saw what happened to Ann T., she didn't do it "their way" and she got the high way. I give her a lot of credit to stand up for what is right. Time to knock the Dem. mayor out of office. He only protects the Santangelos and the Serras too, don't forget. Just now they're not in the spotlight but don't worry, THEY ARE BEHIND THE SCENES TOO.
ReplyDeleteAll these haters didn't have a problem when Milardo was manipulating Senile Seb and sticking her nose into things. Whaaaa Whaaaaa put on your big boy pants and get over it already.
ReplyDeleteWhen did this blog start? Uhhhhhhh, I don't know, after or before November?
ReplyDeleteDebbie Milardo or the brothers? Was DM abusive? If so, then write a story or comment about it..
ReplyDeleteDeb Milardo is not Lisa Santangelo by any stretch. Lisa is a control freak who wants to run everything as it was done in her time in Albany NY.
ReplyDeleteAgain her job is to assist the democratic register not run the registers offices. Yet you see her daily down there controlling everything on the democratic side and trying to do the same on the republican side. She tries to bully anyone who doesn't agree with her including republicans in the registers office.
Dems hate Deb because she did her job regardless of who was in office unlike the male directors who all take 2hour coffee and lunch breaks or disappear for days. If any of you have a bitch with her you are either incompetent, disciplined or were fired. Lisa is just an evil bully who has made city hall a toxic environment. Too bad everyone is afraid to speak out for fear of further retribution by the democratic controlling party! Party of the people? My a$$!!
ReplyDeleteGood idea anonymous -the newaspapers need to go at this and publish the hostility and control in the registrars office. Can't the secretary of state get involved???
ReplyDeleteShe's a bully. Be careful, something is going to hit the fan and loooook out.
I am a very unhappy DTC member and when I get unhappy I make sure everybody else is just as happy as me !!!!!! This is gonna be almost as fun as making Seb and crew squirm. Honey I'm home !!!!! Its Jackie !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my god!!! But the question remeains: Who is in charge of Mayor Drew? The "S" Family seem to be out of the picture and Drew is letting the new "S" Family run the ship.. Does he even need her anymore? Perhaps it's time to cut the cord before more damage is done.. This is not good for Drew's administration, espcially since approxiamtely 12 members of the original "S" family work at city hall. Can you imagine if LS gets her walking papers? What happens to the Zipster? I don't want to know, you know what? I do! D.S.
ReplyDeleteI am ashamed of the democrat party in this town. You can be sure my new registration will be in order and will bring others along. Shame an the puppet. I'm ashamed to say I voted for him, BUUUUUT that will not happen again. How awful to have to go to work every day in such a hostile environment. And my sympathy to the Republican officials in the registrars office. How do they stand it. And where is the "so called" Democrat registrar (name only). Right I forgot, Lisa is pulling the reins with too. Great job registrat, but make sure you collect that salary-----. Disgusting!!! and the taxpayers are paying. This mayor has GOT to be in lala land. How political. What happened to the nonpartisian-ship that used to be? I will be making my way down to the registrars office to change my party fast. Come on down!!!. Until the bully is out of there I will be out soliciting Dems and new voters to register REPUBLICAN.Dan ARE YOU AWAKE????
ReplyDeleteI think Dan is to busy being full of himself . He's going to sleep walk right out of his office just as fast as he walked in.