Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Letter to the Editor: Our Wallets Depend on Electing Kleckowski

Dear Insider:
I urge everyone in the 100th District to vote for Middletown Councilwoman Deborah Kleckowski for your State Representative. I will even tell you WHY you should vote for Councilwoman Kleckowski: your wallet depends on it.
Our current State Representative, Matthew Lesser, is a SOLID vote for the entire Malloy agenda. Gov. Malloy — the same guy that gave CT the largest tax increase in state history. And get this — Gov. Malloy has said he just may raise taxes AGAIN.
(We currently have a deficit in CT of $190 million. What do you think the likelihood of another tax increase is?). Lesser went along with the first tax increase ... and how much do you want to bet he will vote for the next one? Lesser has always voted with the Democrats — tax increase and all.
He is a "ask no questions/make no waves" kind of guy. Check his record and see for yourself. Put another way — Lesser is a total sell-out to the Malloy agenda. He has not voted against even ONE of Malloy's initiatives.
Another reason to vote for Councilwoman Deborah Kleckowski — she is a proponent of making the Board of Education its own taxing authority thereby making the Board of Education autonomous. It would levy its own school district tax and the nine people on the Board of Education would becoming directly accountable to the taxpayers.
Remember, foilks, the biggest chunk of your taxes goes toward the education budget. So this would be in the best interest of all the taxpayers in the 100th District.
Vote for Councilwoman Deborah Kleckowski. As I said at the outset — your wallet depends on it.
Roy Atherton, Middletown

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