Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Letter to the Editor: Facts about Suzio Speak Volumes

To the Editor of the Insider blog:
 I am writing to urge all voters in the 13th District to re-elect Republican Sen. Len Suzio.
The facts are as follows:
1. Sen. Suzio has accomplished more as a freshman senator from the minority party than any freshman senator ever has ... even from the majority party. He has far exceeded everyone's expectations.
2. The "Cap the Gas Tax" Initiative: Sen. Suzio single-handedly boxed the majority party into a corner wherein they not only were all for it ... but tried to take credit for it as well!
3. The Prisoner Early Release Program: Sen. Suzio says that it needs to be suspended. He has said this repeatedly and emphatically. It was thrown in at the last minute during the last legislative session and has already resulted in 2 deaths. That is 2 people that would be walking around today had this program NOT been in place.
The bottom line: Sen. Suzio is a tireless advocate for the people in the 13th District. Do yourself a favor and re-elect Sen. Len Suzio.
Rebecca Tomaszewski, Middletown

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