Friday, July 27, 2012

CT Elections 2012: Deborah Klekowski candidate for the 100th District

As originally posted in the Middletown Patch today.
The Insider's take: Deborah Kleckowski  is a two term Councilwoman in Middletown on the Republican ticket. She is challenging incumbent Matthew Lesser in the 100th District. Kleckowski brings her experience as a mother, actual Wesleyan graduate (Lesser dropped out to run for politics), and life long social activist to the table. Kleckowski advocated vigorously this past fall for the firing of Superintendent Michael Frechette and was the ONLY City official to do so publicly. Kleckowski also helped draft an un-adopted city budget that would have saved tax payer money and not increased taxes. She has worked with several Middletown families of special needs children during the "scream room" debacle to get them into programs that better suited their needs when the BOE Administration ignored their documented requests for intervention and abuse investigations now substantiated by State reports.
Deborah Kleckowski (R) of Middletown  for Representative for the 100th District

General Information

Name : Ms. Deborah Kleckowski
Also known as : Deb
Date of birth : 14 February 1962
Place of residence : Coleman Road



Attended college : Yes
College : Eastern CT State University
Degree : Bachelor of Arts
Year of graduation : 1984

Grad school

University : Wesleyan University
Degree : MALS
Year of graduation : 1998

Political Information

Party affiliation : Republican
Running for a: State office
Running for position: State Representative
Chamber/district: 100th District
Incumbent: No
Previous elective offices : Common Council Planning and Zoning
Unsuccessful bids for elective offices : None

Party HQ

Address 197 Coleman Rd


Facebook : Deborah Kleckowski

Other facts 

Other facts
I have dedicated my professional career to enhancing the lives of others through education, counseling and advocacy. I continue my passion for public service in the realm of government. I believe we, the people, can in fact change City Hall, the State and even the Federal Government. I believe in the basic foundation of the Constitution, ""we the people"". Today, many challenges lay ahead, the most significant, the economy. Providing an environment that is rich for the creation of small businesses (jobs, jobs, jobs!) is of the utmost importance. The cost of doing business in Connecticut has become prohibitive. Lower taxes, lower fees and capping the gas tax must be implemented in the next General Assembly session. We have a spending problem not an income problem. A feasibility audit of state agencies, commissions, programs, and hiring practices of contractors or consultants is a priority to determine the efficaciousness of these areas and the total cost to the citizens. Additionally, the cities must be paid in full for hosting private and state entities such as colleges which do not pay taxes. Full funding PILOT monies-Payment is Lieu of Taxes, to cities is essential to the economic growth and health of communities, especially Middletown. Public Safety is an area in which we need to ensure the level of staffing is sufficient, equipment is up to date and emergency procedures developed and practiced. Middletown's public safety, Police, Fire and Emergency Management did a phenomenal job in keeping the residents safe and secure in the city, especially those residents who utilized the shelter. It is incumbent upon the state to work with local officials to implement the most safe and efficient plan in the event of emergencies. As an educator, education is always a priority. Recently, Middletown experienced many difficulties in financial accountability and the administration of policies, especially Special Education. I propose the Board of Education become its own tax district thereby taking out the political wrangling and blaming. The Board of Education would be directly responsible to the voters and present their budget to the voters. Hundreds of thousands of dollars was wasted on needless court battles and administrative perks. In the end, adults were not good role models and students and teachers did not receive resources. It is a less than optimal situation when parents receive a two page list of needed materials (glue sticks, yarn, etc.) for students when so much money was given in perks such as mileage stipends on July 1-paid in full without any documentation. Of course, there were serious issues such as the ""scream rooms"" which left parents scared and frustrated that their child was not receiving required and necessary services or that their child was unsafe. In these rare situations the state must respond swiftly in their investigation and act boldly in the resolution. Though I believe education is local, I do contend that when the state is called action must be more timely. Government must be transparent. It is not acceptable that votes are taken in the middle of the night and changes to legislation are made "up to the minute" prior to a vote. Legislators should have completed Bills 48 hours prior to the vote, and more importantly, the public should have ample time for review. No vote should be taken past midnight and public hearings on proposed legislation should be in the evening to allow for citizens to speak, not just special interest groups. I look forward to representing the residents of Middletown. I am eager to tackle the problems which lay ahead to work cooperatively to ensure the problem is being addressed by strategies that are best for the community, not the promotion of a political point of view. Problems must be solved in a manner that is best of the City and the State of Connecticut. I have demonstrated my ability to listen to constiuents to bring problems to the forefront, and to follow-through until resolution. I will be honored and humbled to represent the citizens of Middletown.

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