Friday, October 18, 2013

Candidate Bio: Ryan Kennedy (R) for Common Council

Middletown Insider blog is accepting bios from all  municipal candidates. See criteria:
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Ryan Kennedy (R)
    Candidate for Common Council
    Senior Class President MHS Class of 2005
As a Middletown native I want to give back to the community I have grown up in. I want to see a top notch education system that provides opportunities for all students, to strive for a responsible budget, and to keep class size as low as possible, as that is the most important factor in a child's education.

Having served as a member of the Board of Education for six-months I have made public the short-fallings of the Board under the leadership of Ted Raskca. I will continue to do so by showing the wasteful spending of the majority of the board who wish to cut teaching positions and raise class size. I pushed for a budget that the community wanted, and that was in support of our teachers. I also spent time at our schools, talking to teachers, sitting in on classes, and meeting with principals to see and hear first hand the problems that our schools are facing.

I believe I bring a simple perspective, as I know what the children need in this school system, while Central Office and the Board continue to largely support their own pet projects. I do bring experience in the form of my bachelors degree in organizational communications, which has given me the tools to work toward solving our educational system problems and get our message out to the public.

I have been an asset to the Republican caucus on the Board. I am able to work with my two fellow Republicans to provide concrete solutions and have fought against the failing ideas of the democrats. In the future I would love to see a program at the high school to increase skills in manufacturing.

Currently finishing his 5th year as a member of the Middletown Board of Education

Chairing the following committees:

Communication & Transportation
Member of Budget Committee
Current Board representative to:

Middletown High School Vo-ag & Alternative Education
Member of the Senior Center Building Committee
Past member of the Long Hill Estate Authority & Recycling Task Force
Born, raised and educated in Middletown.

CSSU Master’s & Bachelor’s Degree in Communication
MxCC Graduate
: UPDATE from Ryan Kennedy: 

Thank you Middletown Insider for publishing my bio. Above is a summary of what I have done as a board member.
Below are the issues that I feel are most important in regards to the next Council term.

Parking: The Council needs to make parking in the Melilli lot and Court Street Lot free after 5pm with the gates opening at that time. Two hour free parking needs to be re-instated to all city lots including the lot across from the Russell Library.

Bonding: A super majority vote of the Common Council needs to be required for any bond package. A yearly debt limit needs to be set, only being allowed to cross by a referendum vote.

Biennial budget: A city budget being set every two years will allow for directors to plan for the future. The budget should be passed on the even years taking the politics out of the budget process.

I also didn’t know I have hard to contact. My home phone is 860-346-5805.


  1. I think it is funny that Ryan says he visited the schools and talked with teachers. He never answered any emails. He never had anything productive to say. To say he fought for the students and teachers of the district is a joke. If he makes the Town Council, he will be a wasted voice for the people.

  2. Ryan fought against the rubber stamping status quo.He had my vote!

  3. Thank you Middletown Insider for publishing my bio. Above is a summary of what I have done as a board member.
    Below are the issues that I feel are most important in regards to the next Council term.

    Parking: The Council needs to make parking in the Melilli lot and Court Street Lot free after 5pm with the gates opening at that time. Two hour free parking needs to be re-instated to all city lots including the lot across from the Russell Library.

    Bonding: A super majority vote of the Common Council needs to be required for any bond package. A yearly debt limit needs to be set, only being allowed to cross by a referendum vote.

    Biennial budget: A city budget being set every two years will allow for directors to plan for the future. The budget should be passed on the even years taking the politics out of the budget process.

    I also didn’t know I have hard to contact. My home phone is 860-346-5805.

  4. @12:01 pm So what we have on the council now is productive? What have they done over the last two years. Raise your taxes, borrowed against our kids future.
    I have known Ryan for a number of years and I know he has worked hard for the betterment of Middletown residents and students. he will do an excellent job on the common council


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