Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Candidate Bio: Jon Pulino (R) for Board of Assessment Appeals

Middletown Insider blog is accepting bios from all  municipal candidates. 
See criteria: http://www.middletowninsider.com/2013/08/request-for-candidate-bios-for-all.html
Republican Candidate for Board of Assessment Appeals
Jon Pulino

Mr. Pulino has served one term on the Middletown Board of Assessment Appeals and currently sits on the town's Zoning Board of Appeals committee as well as Chairperson the Cable Advisory Board.  
Occupation: Currently teachers English Literature at Maloney High School in Meriden, Connecticut where besides teaching five daily classes, he has been elected building representative for the Meriden Federatrion of Teachers four years in a row.  Mr. Pulino holds the following educational credentials: English certification state of Connecticut (015); Certified Media Specialist (062); Educational Leadership Certification/6th year degree (Graduated Summer 2013). Besides teaching full time in Meriden, Mr. Pulino has worked for the Wesleyan Upward Bound Program in Middletown and the New Britian Rock Cats organization, a double AA affiliate of the Minnesota Twins.  Currently Mr. Pulino has been appointed to the school's Odysseyware task force, a program that enables the students to make up high school credits on-line, while staying in school.  Mr. Pulino has also been a member of a NEASC site visit in 2011 and currently serves at the pleasure of principal on Maloney's follow up NEASC committee within in the Maloney building.

Education- Mr. Pulino holds a Bachelors of Science in Communication and Bachelors of Arts Degree in English from Eastern Connecticut State University (1994/1995). He also holds a Masters in Educational Technology from Central Connecticut State University (2007) as well as 30 credits past his Masters.  His earlier education includes earning an Associate Degree from Middlesex Community College in 1992 and a member of Xavier High School's class of 1989.

Political Offices Held: Chairperson of the Middlesex Cable Advisory Board (2009-Present); Zoning Board of Appeals (2009-Present), and worked on the (elected) Board or Assessment Appeals for the 2007-2009 term.

Civic Organizations: Italian American Civic Organization (2005-Present); Washington Lodge No. 70 Windsor, and American Federation of Teachers.

Volunteer: Comcast Cable - Host of “The Edge”: a political satire program that deals with local political issues since 1998 and co-host of “The Variety Hour” with Billy Wilson since 2007. Mr. Pulino has also coached track for 4 years at Maloney High School while working on student started clubs such as the Comic Book Club.



  1. I would think that a high school English teacher would be able to write/proofread better than this. He "currently teachers English Literature"; he is a building representative for the "Meriden Board of teacher" four years in a row; and he is "Chairperson the Cable Advisory Board". Also, if he is scheduled to complete his 6th year in Spring 2013 either his schedule or bio is off. Small errors, but really shouldn't an English teacher to do better than that on something that he presumably prepared carefully?


  2. Perhaps the bio was lifted from the GOP page like all the others. How do you know Mr. Television wrote it? You must be an INSIDER to know who is writing what about whom. It is obvious you are attacking him and other GOP members for silly reasons. It's interesting how you don't mention the first sentence and the link at the bottom.. -Having Fun in Middletown!- P.S.

    Did you check your response for errors?

  3. All bios & letters to the editor submissions are submitted to us. We don't take them from other sources; if someone is submitting to us via copying and pasting in an email to us then we do not edit formatting. We try and maintain original formatting as much as possible or mimic it as closely as possible within our templates.

  4. God bless him for standing up for those women awhile back.. The kid had guts and told the truth in court while Milardo and the Mayor said nothing or plead the 5th.

  5. LISA. Get a life.

  6. Allthe blogs are screwed up with the spelling, i love how they pick on a public teacher who has given his life to teaching children who are impoverished.. I like the show and I like Wilson too, at least his commentary is fresh and bold unlike the other shows who lie to the viewers!

    Don't worry Dems, you will win , the people bithch and moan but constantly pull that D lever.. They desreve the DEM party and they deserve Dan! Wake up!


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