Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Guest Blog: Greetings Patriots from Palin Smith Conservative Roundup

Below is a roundup of Conservative events being held this week. Complied and submitted by Palin Smith. Opinions are that of Palin Smith and do not necessarily reflect that of Insider Staff. 
Wall Street celebrated this morning when the Dow Jones Industrial Average broke above 15,000 for the first time. With reports of 165,000 new jobs created in April and a drop in the unemployment rate to 7.5%, the low-information voters are mesmerized in math la-la-land. However, more unintended consequences of Obamacare over-shadowed the jubilation. The equivalent of 500,000 jobs lost must also be reported. Businesses are cutting back people to part time employees.
Two nights ago in Tolland the Republican Party made its choice, Samuel Belsito, to run for state rep. in the 53rd district, comprising the towns of Tolland, Willington and Ashford. A special election will be conducted on June 11, 2013 to replace former Rep. Brian Hurlburt, who took a job with the US Agriculture Department, another useless agency.
This 5-week special election is significant because it will be the first time the huge influx of 2A supporters and defenders will have an opportunity to flex their new political muscles. Mr. Belsito will meet the public very soon. If you want to find out where he stands on guns or any other issue, we will publish his early public appearances schedule. Help snatch a seat away from the majority in Hartford. You don’t have to live in the district to volunteer.
Last night the Democrats chose their candidate for the 53rd. Soon you will have a clear choice.
The weekly meeting of the Connecticut Restoration Coalition http://ct-rc.org/ is scheduled for 5 PM at KING 33 tomorrow in Southington. Last week Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, http://www.jihadwatch.org/ , delivered a short lecture and led a Q & A for twenty more minutes. This link will take you to the full lecture and a couple of questions.
The host of our meetings, KING 33, is seeking permission to expand its professional capacity into an adjacent building. Chris Fields has asked for support at Tuesday’s Southington Planning & Zoning meeting. More information at this link.
Several patriot groups are readying challenges to Connecticut’s new gun law. Please donate to CCDL http://www.ccdl.us/ and DAFR http://www.dafr.org/
If you’ve got “stuff” you’ve wanted to part with but never had the gumption to do it, perhaps now is the time. CCDL has set up a sort of tag sale on Facebook. Let your imagination run free in inventing other ways to recover cash to donate to the court challenge of a very bad law. Get involved now and stay involved right through the 2014 election.
5th District Rep. Elizabeth Esty plans to meet her constituents tomorrow afternoon in Kent.
WHAT: Congress on Your Corner in Kent
WHEN: Saturday, May 4 from 2:00 to 3:00 PM
WHERE: Kent Memorial Library, 32 N. Main St, Kent
It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. (Samuel Adams)
Pass the matches……

Palin Smith

In honor of Memorial Day, the Middletown Insider is requesting guest essays for its blog.


  1. What a loser you are, Palin Smith. If Romney had won the election, you'd be salivating over the fact of the record high Dow Jones average, the increase in jobs, and the reduction in the employment rate. You just can't stand it when all these good things are happening under your arch-nemesis, President Obama. lmfao

  2. President Obama is a pesky gnat. What matters more to him is that I can beat him on the golf course.

    My real arch nemesis is State Senator John McKinney, a Republican.

    Clinton and Bush both presided over stock market bubbles. Obama is no different. Clinton and Bush both liked Wall Street relection donations too.

  3. Of course anonymous 9:17 is missing the fact that their are 4 million less people in the workforce now compared to when president Obama was elected. So while those unemployment numbers look better in reality they are not.


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