Wednesday, December 05, 2012

American Legion: High School Oratorical Schlorship Program

Scholarship Contestants Needed

The American Legion is seeking contestants for its’ annual High School Oratorical Scholarship Program - "A Constitutional Speech Contest".  The contest is open to all high school students.  The purpose of this contest is to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Constitution of the United States among high school students.  Other objectives of the contest include the development of leadership qualities, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently, and the preparation for acceptance of the duties and responsibilities, the rights and privileges of American citizenship.  Contestants are judged on the content of the speech, their poise, composure and delivery. 

Ken McClellan: Scholarship Coordinator
The competition consists of two parts, the Prepared Oration and the Assigned Topic.  The Prepared Oration must be a 5 to 8 minute verbal presentation on some aspect of the Constitution of the United States with emphasis on the duties and obligations of a citizen to our government.  Contestants then give a presentation of 3 to 5 minutes on one of four assigned topics.  The subject of the Assigned Topic will be one of 4 possible articles or sections of the Constitution.  Competition starts at the local level, and proceeds through district, state and national.  Prizes are awarded at each level, reaching $18,000 for the national winner.  State winners who advance to the National Quarter Final round all receive a $1,500 scholarship.  Quarter Final winners who advance to the Semi-Finals but do not advance to the final round, receive an additional $1,500. 

Post contests are held during January, District competitions will be held during the first two weeks of February. The seven district winners compete for the State Title on March 2, 2013 at Goodwin College.  The National Competition will be in April.  Entries must be received at the local American Legion post by Jan 4, 2013.  To enter, contact your local American Legion post or Ken McClellan, American Legion Post 75, Middletown, CT, phone 860-346-4876.  You can also visit the American Legion website,, and follow the links for Programs, Family and Youth, Oratorical.  Contestants and teachers are encouraged to contact the post early, for information, or assistance.  Judges are needed at all levels, and if you are interested in being a judge for the competition, contact Mr. McClellan or your local American Legion post.

Ken McClellan
Scholarship Coordinator
American Legion Post 75

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