Saturday, July 07, 2018

Republican Candidate for Lt. Governor, Joe Markley Needs Your Help!


I hope you’re enjoying this week as we celebrate our nation’s independence!

I'm reaching out on behalf of state Sen. Joe Markley, the endorsed Republican
candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Joe is assembling a grassroots army of
freedom-loving activists to help bring his conservative principles to our State

As the Republican Primary approaches (August 14), Joe is looking for engaged
volunteers and college interns to add to his statewide team. There are multiple
ways to help the Markley for LG campaign, and we will do our best to make full
use of experience and unique skills. Our goal: help save Connecticut!

This is a fun and educational opportunity for students or others to be part of a
meaningful and exciting political campaign, and it might well qualify for college
credit. The campaign can also offer modest compensation to college students for
several field positions with additional responsibilities.

Please let me know if you're interested in becoming part of this critically important
election. I can be reached at:, or at 1-860-307-1091
(phone or text).

I hope to hear from you soon!

Josiah Elsaghir
Political Director
Joe Markley for Lieutenant Governor

Published as a public service by The Middletown Insider

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