Saturday, August 20, 2016

Cadena’s Campaign Strategy

Cadena’s Campaign Strategy Is To Talk To As Many Voters As Possible

by | Aug 19, 2016 5:30am 
CT News Junkie

Wander around downtown New Haven over the next few months and you might just bump into the man hoping to upset one of the most popular Connecticut politicians running for re-election this year.

Angel Cadena, the 35-year-old Marine corps veteran and Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, has a campaign strategy for defeating U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro and it revolves mainly around face-to-face conversations between voters and himself.

“I’m using my motorcycle,” Cadena said. “I’m riding right up to people saying ‘Hey, I’m running for Congress, give me a shot. Give me consideration, at least.’ Especially, you know, a lot of liberals, a lot of independents, a lot of Democrats in the area they’re like ‘well, we usually vote for Rosa [DeLauro], but we’ll look into it.’ Or they tell me, they’re like ‘y’know what, she’s been in there too long, we’ll give you a shot.’”

It’s not a campaigning decision he made because he wanted to. Running against DeLauro has, for 16 years, been political suicide. No Republican challenger has earned more than 35 percent of the vote.
As a result, Cadena’s received little support from statewide Republican organizations, which view the district as firmly Democratic.

“For the most part, they’re like ‘thank you for running.’ They drop me in the water and let me do my own thing,” Cadena said. “That’s okay, because when I do that I’m always in charge. I don’t like people telling me what to do, and I don’t want people questioning me.”


Read the rest of this article in CT New Junkie:
(also in today's Middletown Press)

Read more about Angel in the Middletown Insider:

CT 3rd District Republicans Nominate Angel Cadena to Run Against Wealthy Elitist DeLauro

Man Behind Chicago Corruption Bust Shaking Up CT’s Liberal Stronghold


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