Tuesday, July 12, 2016

AMAC: New Effort to Make Lifesaving Pharmaceuticals Affordable and Available

AMAC: New Effort to Make Lifesaving Pharmaceuticals Affordable and Available
By - John Grimaldi
We do not 'want to see our members' medical bills, specifically drug costs, go up'
A newly proposed bill would make it easier for generic drug makers to produce affordable, lifesaving pharmaceuticals. And, the Association of Mature American Citizens is urging swift passage for the bi-partisan measure...
Make Congress Responsible Again
from - The Daily Signal - by Sen. Mike Lee
Washington is broken. And American politics in 2016 seems to be a competition to assign blame for the federal government's dysfunction, rising costs, and habitual failure...
Summer Fun in Seattle
By - Christina Miadich
Seattle is an urban city with thrilling attractions and is surrounded by the natural beauty of mountains, waters, forests and more. Downtown is filled with sightseeing, shopping, arts & culture, sports and family fun. Additionally there are ...
Keep America Safe
Sanctuary Cities Put Law-Abiding Citizens at Risk
from - The Heritage Foundation - by Hans A. von Spakovsky
San Francisco and other cities across the United States have created so-called "sanctuaries" for illegal aliens. These municipalities are defying federal immigration law, just like some Southern jurisdictions that defied federal civil rights laws in the 1960s. But unlike that ...
Recent Poll
With the current state of the Social Security program, do you agree that Social Security will continue to exist long enough to pay your full benefits and your children's full benefits?
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Health & Wellness
Should Brushing Habits Change As We Get Older?
By - Howard B. Richman
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is what comes to mind at first. Meaning, if we establish proper toothbrushing habits early in life, why should we change them later? This argument seems...
Purpose Beats Puzzles Every Time
By - Craig Keyes, M.D.
We have two great fears about our later years: developing dementia and being lonely. In my experience as a geriatric specialist, I've seen that the combination of the ...
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill
Submitted by AMAC Member Louise P
Click Here to submit your own quote!
Who's Fighting For Social Security... AMAC IS!

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