Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Small Business Funding available Through Connecticut’s Small Business Express Program

Middlesex County Revitalization Commission

(Middletown, CT) Chairwoman Laura Francis announced that the Middlesex County Revitalization Commission (MCRC) has received additional funding through Connecticut’s Small Business Express Program (EXP) from the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD).

The Small Business Express Program (EXP) provides loans and grants to Connecticut’s small businesses to spur job creation and growth.
MCRC is now in a position to once again offer low interest loans to small and mid-sized businesses with the goal of creating jobs and maintaining the quality of life in Middlesex County.

Created by a special act of the CT General Assembly in 1993, the members of the Middlesex County Revitalization Commission (MCRC) are the chief elected official, or designee, in each of the fifteen towns in Middlesex County, plus a representative from the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce.

To be eligible for funding under the MCRC’s Loan Program, the following criteria must be met:

• The business has facilities and employees in Middlesex County, Connecticut.
• The business has been registered to conduct business in Connecticut for more than one year.
• The business is current on all state and local taxes.

Loan proceeds may be used for buildings, building improvements, equipment and working capital.

For more information, including:

MCRC Small Business Express Loan Application
MCRC Small Business Express Project Budget Template
MCRC Personal Financial Statement
MCRC Credit Authorization Form

Questions or concerns can be directed to Jeff Pugliese, MCRC administrator, at 860-347-6924 or

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