Friday, October 30, 2015

Letter to the Editor: Mayor Should Condemn Acts of Sign Vandalism

To the Editor:
The Middletown Insider recently posted a press release, “Republican Signs Vandalized in Middletown.”
It says that last Saturday morning, Middletown Republicans awoke to the widespread destruction of candidate yard signs, ranging in value from $7 to more than $800.
On Sunday, I asked Mayor Drew to publicly call for an end to this mean-spirited and childish behavior on Facebook. To date; he has yet to do so. Again, I call upon him to condemn these acts of vandalism.
This is not the first campaign season where this sort of thing has happened, and to my knowledge, Republican candidates have been the exclusive victims. Our former mayor, Sebastian Giuliano, would not tolerate this sort of behavior, nor will our future mayor, Sandra Russo-Driska.
Sandra and the entire Republican underticket strongly believe that while we may disagree from time to time, it is incumbent upon us to treat our political opponents with dignity and respect. After all, at the end of the day we are still neighbors, friends and family.
Bill Boylan
Member, Middletown Republican Town Committee


  1. Bill, he won't say jack, or admit to anything. Rather he'll point to the fact that early on I burned one of his signs, that his Headquarters was all too eager to give me (Before they knew who Brian E. Clark was.) We have 5 days left, there's nothing that either side can or will say, that will affect things one way or another. Tuesday, justice will be served. And it's gonna be sweet!

  2. Thanks Mr. Boylan for standing up to this bully


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