Thursday, October 29, 2015

Campaign Financing: Mayoral Candidate Russo-Driska files 58 page SEEC complaint against Mayor Drew

The campaign of Sandra Russo-Driska, GOP mayoral candidate has filed a 58 page complaint with the State Elections Enforcement Committee (SEEC) alleging impropriety on part of Mayor Dan Drew (D) 's campaign donations from person's affiliated with businesses holding city contracts. Click the link to read the full complaint (must rotate). The complaint is available via FOI and contains the names and contributions of the individuals making the donations in question.

SEEC Complaint against Mayor Dan Drew Campaign

1 comment:

  1. Sandra has run an exceptional campagne. If she runs the city half as good, we'll be in great shape.
    Its now up to her people to get their supporters out to vote. The Dems are ripe for picking this year. Drew has been quiet becsuse he knows his lies will be exposed.
    Good luck Sandra and your team.


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