Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Mayor Appoints “Low Hanging Fruit”

    Mayor Drew appoints Lisa Santangelo and Dan Russo AGAIN to the
Northern Middlesex County Cable Advisory Council despite the
recommendations of the Council members.  Ms. Santangelo and Mr. Russo
have a greater than 50% missing attendance record over the past 3
years.  Ms. Santangelo has missed 9 out of 15 meetings and Mr. Russo has
been absent for 14 out of 15 meetings.  Mayor Drew is helping his friends
stay in positions that they obviously don’t want most likely because of their political affiliation
with the Democratic party and the NMCCAC is a non-partisan Council that is in
need of people who  could help us fulfill our obligations to the community.

Let’s ask Mayor Drew why he keeps these people in positions that they clearly have
no interest in.

Regards, Marco Iacoviello
Missed 9 out of 15 meetings
Missed 14 out of 15 meetings.

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