Sunday, July 12, 2015

J.R. Romano: "Have you heard the news?"

Congrats to newly elected CT GOP Party Chairman J.R. Romano.  Romano is off is a running start telling it like it is regarding the CT economic climate. Below is a message from the chairman (via facebook post):

J.R. Romano, GOP Chairman CT next
to Rep. Matt Lesser (D)
 at the 2012 Middlesex
United Way Youth in
 Politics panel.

Have you heard the news?
Not even a month after Governor Malloy and state Democrats saddled hard working families with higher taxes, we are seeing yet another wave of jobs leave Connecticut for better climates elsewhere. Here's what happened this week and how it affects Connecticut:
Hallmark To Close Enfield Warehouse, Eliminate 570 Jobs
"It takes your breath away… Because jobs are leaving, that's going to be a big punch in the gut to the community" - Enfield Deputy Mayor Bill Lee
"Connecticut's business environment cannot compete with other states...Unfortunately, this may be the beginning of a mass exodus of Connecticut jobs." – Sen. Minority Leader Len Fasano
UTC Says It Will Create 380 Jobs For Unit In Florida
"The threat of Connecticut corporations moving operations to other states, or even leaving the state entirely, had been raised repeatedly during the closing weeks of the legislative session..." - Christopher Keating
"Potential job creators see that we have headed down a dangerous path. Unfortunately, we should expect more news like this." - Sen. Rob Kane
That's nearly 1,000 Connecticut jobs leaving the state just this week!
Governor Malloy's tax, spend & borrow policies are making jobs, money, and people leave our great state. These stories are only the latest in our sad decline.
We can't let Dan Malloy show any more Connecticut businesses the door! We need to send more voices to Hartford who want to grow jobs right here.
That's why I'm working tirelessly to elect Republicans across the state of Connecticut to defend taxpayers, workers and our communities from Dan Malloy's devastating evaporation of prosperity.
Please chip in $5, $10, or even $25 to help us take back Connecticut right away!

J.R. Romano

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