1. ABANDONED: Mayor Dan Drew stated on the council floor he was going to have a report done to see how the 2013 blizzard that crippled the city could have been handled better. Rumors were that Danapolean gave the word to turn away help from the National Guard & there was a chest puffing match behind closed doors resulting in Middletown roads still being uncleared days later. No report.
2. ABANDONED: Mayor Drew & Gov. Malloy went to China in 2012 to "find jobs" and promised Councilman Pessina that a report would follow. And all that trade Drew said he opened up? How is China helping Middletown?? No report.
3. ABANDONED: Under Mayor Drew the Youth Services department launched a new website with reports with updates about activites. The website was last updated in Nov 6, 2013. Cuz he's "young guy mayor" Danny did start the Yoot Youth Cabinet (not to be confused with the already in existence Youth in Government Program cauz if you rename somethin you can take credit for it duh)
4. ABANDONED: Mayor Drew's twitter boasts a computer rendering of LED lights on the Arrigoni Bridge. Critics & the town of Portland felt the idea to "bring tourist" excessive. Why such a "great tourism destination" quietly abandoned by the Mayor if it was so awesome?
5. FINISHED: Both budget's under Mayor Drew's regime resulted in milrate increases for taxpayers. The democrats on council voted against all proposals for senior tax relief under the previous republican mayor, yet endorsed a watered down proposal from Mayor Drew while simultaneously raising taxes for everyone else two fiscal years in a row! 3X a charm?
6. STARTED: Mayor Drew advocated for the merging of Park & Recreation and Public works as well as the City Attorney's office and Personnel Depts. to "save money" No cost savings have ever been proven upon inquiry. In fact, outside Counsel is stilled used by the Office of General Counsel at tune of $60K for the investigation into the allegeded drug abuse allegations against the police chief. In 2013 he told the Courant he expected to save more than $150K a year; in other sources Drew is quoted saying the savings is in the MILLIONS. It has been a year & no cost savings have been proven.
7. ABANDONED: Several commitee vacancies have remained unfilled by Drewilishious. Example: Design Review & Inlands & Watercourses, Citizens' Advisory have had vacancies for the entire 3 years Drew has been in office. Drew has had time to redecorate the Mayor's office to the tune of $6K.
8.ABANDONED: 20 monthes later...all those grants Danious Maxious got. The bike path, the parking lot redo's,the parking garage... so how yall citizen's enjoying those? Give them bread and circuses...
9. ABANDONED: City Hall news letter. When Drewocles took office he initiated the practice of wishing workers happy birthday via special email, a practice most hadn't had the priveledge of experiencing since elementary school. He also initiated a city hall newsletter. The last publication of which was July 2012.
10. ABANDONED: Mayor Drew put out a mandate that all committee meetings take place after 7 pm so that members of the public could attend. Clean Energy Task Force still meets at noon 3 years later. And the Harbor Improvement Committee NEVER has met despite the focus on the spanking new riverfront.
11. FINISHED (NOT REALLY): Mayor Drew ran on the campaign to end all lawsuits and grievances between the city, union members and the Board of Education. He even held a press conference declaring that the smoke was clear. However, lawsuits still exist 3 years later....
12. ALMOST NOT FINISHED: Just in time for Veterans' Day: Trees of Honor, the memorial dedicated to fallen Connecticut Soldiers of the Irag and Afganistan Wars is underway at Veteran's Park in Middletown. After the photo ops with the Big Dannel were over, Mayor Drew went a little MIA on the details of the two+ year project. The ribbon cutting of the memorial was scheduled. What did Drew forget? The planting of the actual trees!! President of the City (D's prefferred moniker) forgot to secure resources - ie heavy equipment and man hours to get this done... so at the last minute project volunteers scrambled to get help to get 65 large trees in the ground before the dedication. Not even Joe Samolis, Mayor's Aide, could get this accomplished & the man has had to shovel some hefy mayoral do-do. Organizers contacted local papers to put the call out for help; the papers convenietly leaving out the fact that the holes had yet to be excavated literally days before the opening...several TOH organizers posted requests via personal social media pages & sent emails in an effort to dig the project out of the perdicament Drew left them with... Luckily, volunteers hauled a** & finished the job beautifully. Gee.. thanks Mayor D...
12. ALMOST NOT FINISHED: Just in time for Veterans' Day: Trees of Honor, the memorial dedicated to fallen Connecticut Soldiers of the Irag and Afganistan Wars is underway at Veteran's Park in Middletown. After the photo ops with the Big Dannel were over, Mayor Drew went a little MIA on the details of the two+ year project. The ribbon cutting of the memorial was scheduled. What did Drew forget? The planting of the actual trees!! President of the City (D's prefferred moniker) forgot to secure resources - ie heavy equipment and man hours to get this done... so at the last minute project volunteers scrambled to get help to get 65 large trees in the ground before the dedication. Not even Joe Samolis, Mayor's Aide, could get this accomplished & the man has had to shovel some hefy mayoral do-do. Organizers contacted local papers to put the call out for help; the papers convenietly leaving out the fact that the holes had yet to be excavated literally days before the opening...several TOH organizers posted requests via personal social media pages & sent emails in an effort to dig the project out of the perdicament Drew left them with... Luckily, volunteers hauled a** & finished the job beautifully. Gee.. thanks Mayor D...
Unlucky 13: ABANDONED:
ANYONE kept tally of how much money has been
appropriated every month by the Council?!?!
Just about every meeting the Common Council approves requests for additional funds to departments above and beyond what was allocated in the fiscal budget proposed by Mayor Drew and approved by the council. No news source has reported how much has been spent and when asked certain council persons have stated the budget is "fluid"... the bleeding of taxpayers has been STARTED.....
You will never get an answer to any of your comments. Even though the local newspapers have heard the same questions asked over and over, they won't look into them - he was their endorsed candidate.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Comment Mr. Milardo! We agree; why would the true numbers be exposed when the truth is so ugly?..