Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Conservative Roundup: Rally in Middletown Today! by Palin Smith

 Below is a guest blog piece by Palin Smith, views expressed are not necessarily those of the Insider Staff. 

We certainly learned a lot in 2013. We learned who were our friends and who were our enemies in the Connecticut Legislature. We watched the national Republican Party declare war against the folks who won them the House of Representatives. The Democrats stayed true to form. We know what they want.

A whole new group of citizens realized that laying low and keeping quiet is not politically healthy. Connecticut gun owners are lining up in Middletown these last days of December. We will join them tomorrow, December 31, not as “last minute Larry’s”, but as objective reporters. Who will still be in line when the doors close?

We will be packing lots of John McKinney Must Go signs for people who wish to demonstrate their dislike and distrust of the back-stabbing gun-grabber. We will be recruiting among the law-abiding gun owners who committed no crimes in 2013.
But after tomorrow those folks who did not comply with an unjust and unconstitutional law will become instant felons.

There are lawsuits aimed at overturning the new gun ban. But the courts are stacked with liberal Democrats. The only sure fire way to hit the bulls eye is to eject the oath breakers on Election Day, November 4, 2014. The first new business of the new 2015 legislature must be to repeal the gun ban and make sure a new governor will sign it. But first we must win. And we can't wait until next October to start paying attention.

1111 Country Club Road...off I-91 Exit 20

We plan to be there tomorrow with McKinney Must Go signs at about 11 AM.
We will be interviewing and more. Any Republican candidate for governor would be a fool not to work the line for volunteers and votes. But Republicans with rare exceptions are not known for their imagination.

Joe Visconti will be there early.  Joe was there today campaigning.


At the same time the Royal Republicans declared war against the grass roots TEA PARTY, some Chicago Democrats are beginning to embrace it. The video above is like secret agent stuff out of James Bond or Robert Ludlum.

When the inner city Democrats who dare to stray off the Plantation find out the Tea Party is NOT a Republican thing....and that the Republicans are trying to kill it, they will embrace it further.

What a great Christmas present for the Liberty movement! More signs of a 2014 major political uprising.

A week ago we attended a 14th and 15th Amendment rally in Bridgeport at the Police Department. About 20 patriots braved the rainy evening. The precipitation stopped for exactly an hour so the TV could report live from the scene. Two networks and cable were present.

A very experienced veteran detective had discharged a friend's firearm in a crowded bagel shop the week before. Initially the Bridgeport Police were fixed to investigate, but pressure from community activists forced it into the hands of the State Police.

Two weeks later no charges have been filed against the reckless cop. He shot himself in the leg, so now he's on paid sick leave. The double standard was proven again. A civilian would have been charged and forced to relinquish all his guns.

The following video play list, mostly of the TV interviews are here to see.


In keeping with the theme of our plans for 2014 we offer this video from several years ago. It describes how we can gain control of the candidate selection process and choose our people, not be stuck with theirs. The Republican caucuses that select new RTC members rapidly approach.

The VAST MAJORITY of delegates picked to choose Republican candidates, from governor on down, emanate from Republican Town Committees. Think about what you are willing to do to save Connecticut for your children and grandchildren....and yourselves, when you watch this video. http://youtu.be/qGiZFQN0S60



Connecticut is beset by voter apathy precisely because there are so few logical choices on Election Days. What do we have? We got the communist Democrats who are rushing to redistribute everyone elses wealth except their own. In fact, most upper class Democrats are the biggest tightwads you will ever know.

And on the other side we're saddled too often with the Royal Republicans. Some people call them Rinos. They identify themselves as Republicans but act like Democrats. We saw so many instances of this in the past 14 months.

The one true conservative who won this year was Mayor Manny Santos of Meriden. Meriden's voters were offered a clear choice. You may remember the debates when Manny calmly enumerated his plans to fix Meriden's problems. The incumbent Mayor Rohde made fun of Manny's experience....like frugality in public office as a protector of the taxpayers' monies was to ridicule. Rodhe was shown the road. There are some smart people in Meriden and they came out in droves to vote for a conservative. How refreshing. Imagine their joy on Election Night!! The Democrats could not steal the steel of the people that night!!

Once we turn Connecticut into a red state (and it will happen), maybe we can get to work primarying the Royals like patriots do in other red states. Perhaps we can find candidates like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb3B4gGcQ1E

Our friends in the 5th Congressional District will have a rare opportunity in 2014, if all stays on track, of voting for a true Conservative, Mark Greenberg. When Mark is elected to the US House of Representatives, the flood gates will open
and Connecticut will be free at last. http://www.markgreenbergforcongress.com/



Here's another dynamite video for your Stop Common Core library.

And you are invited to join the Face Book group to help save our schools.



For those of us who are avid Tea Party Patriots and might be afraid of Face Book, this new social media platform will provide a more focused means of networking for the exchange of information and ideas.



If you've been following the Climate Change news, you've seen a ship full of Global Warming scientists stuck in Antarctic Ice in early summer. This is the ice Al Gore said would be all melted by now.

Record cold blanketed the world in the past few years. Looks like North America is readying to finally feel the big chill.

By next weekend we will know what wind chill is again.

All in all the “settled science” of global warming got a wake up call in 2013.


There are those, I know, who will reply that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is. It is the American dream."
-- Archibald MacLeish, American poet

As a nation we've been through tough patches before.
We've always emerged stronger. But not without citizen political action.
Let's pray it happens again.

Palin Smith

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