Friday, September 27, 2013

Letter to the Editor: Realistic Balance Party Files Suit Against Town Clerk Middletown

Letters to the editors are printed as a courtesy to readers, and do not necessarily express opinions by the Insider volunteer staff. John Killian is the Realistic Balance Party founder and Mayoral candidate. As with all letter's to the editor, legitimacy of all claims made are solely responsibility of the author of the letter;not the editorial staff of the Insider.
This morning, via phone call, I requested the Town Clerk of the City of Middletown to provide a copy of the Working Family Party's endorsement letter of their candidates for election in 2013 in the City of Middletown. I was told that before such documents were revealed that she would first have to consult with the City Attorney.

My wife appeared in the Clerk's office and, after also being denied a request for this and other documents in person, filed a written request.

This afternoon I received access to these documents.
Among them is a hardcopy of a simple text email conferring the Working Families Party endorsement, without any signatures.
This seems at odds with a strict reading of the statute that the Town Clerk claims left her no option but to remove several people from the Realistic Balance Party line of this year's ballot.  It certainly deserves to be brought to the attention of the Middletown public.
Attached is a scanned version of the email hardcopy provided to me this afternoon.
John Kilian
Kilian v. Bettencourt, Docket CV135008261


  1. This is really not flattering to Killian's campaign for mayor. The townclerk in Middletown did the right thing.

  2. RIDICULOUS lawsuit- thank you Insider for bringing to our attention- no other news source had the guts to!


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