Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thousands turn out for CCDL 2nd Amendment Rally Hartford April 20th

A crowd of over 1,500 people gathered April 20th on the steps of the Capital  for a rally sponsored by the Connecticut Citizens Defense League.The CCDL is a nonpartisan, grass-roots organization formed in 2009 and advocates for the right to keep and bear arms in Connecticut. CCDL which meets monthly at the Elk's Lodge in Middletown has over 7,000 members. The next meeting is Tuesday, May 14 2013, 7:00pm - 9:00pm. Anyone wishing to join is welcome to attend or email.

Key note speakers included John Lott Jr., author of the book "More Guns, Less Crime," and Former congressional candidate Wayne Winsley.
Guest blogger Palin Smith sent us videos and photos of the event, thank you Palin!

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