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Thursday, March 07, 2013
Ed McKeon Threatens Middletown Insider Blog
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ReplyDeletestay strong MI!
ReplyDeleteAbout time somebody stood up to this bully; that's the only way to deal with them.
Ed please elaborate on your comment of inaccuracies, untruths and defames the reputation of several individuals.
ReplyDeleteoh dear looks like someone forgot to take their geritol this morning.
ReplyDeleteAnd the city has a new Mcmouth! No wonder he loved that POS. He is just like him! Haha....what a tangled web we weave.
ReplyDeleteObviously this bully has no idea that defamation is very hard to prove.
ReplyDeleteNor does he appear to be familiar with the 1st amendment.
This calls for one of MI"s clever pictorials
ReplyDeleteA.few suggestions :
Little eddie grabbing his ball and stomping home from the sandbox
A.poster for the movie "anger management "
A & E ad for upcoming episode of Flip This House starring ed 4 ed
$10 says most or all of these Anonymous comments were written by the same person. Gee, I wonder who.
ReplyDeleteEd, Why don't you use this energy, time and money to investigate where the $1 million thats missing from the BoE, that you were so concerned with at election time?
ReplyDeleteWhat is unfounded in the piece Ed? Just because you threaten folks with a lawsuit doesn't mean they are untrue. Remember the First Amendment is still in use in this country.
ReplyDeleteP.S. You are a public figure, just saying.
Ed is attacking free speech and trying to bully the insider in the process.
ReplyDeleteThin skinned sissies.
ReplyDeleteI'm so tiring to hear people still talking about the missing Million dollars.
ReplyDeleteThere is no missing money. Well, I suppose there is when you look at the grant money coming from the State of Connecticut to help fund the BOE.
The state of Connecticut for two years reduced the transportation grant for school children and increased funding for the special education grant. And for two years in a row there was a $400,000 shortfall in the BOE budget.
Simply put, the city used 'The new Excess Cost - Student Based Supplement Grant' (the extra cash for SPED students) for the transportation grant shortage.
http://imgur.com/a/3eR7F <--- image of email
What was supposed to be the cities responsibility to cover those costs were passed over to the BOE.
And in the end it STILL becomes partially the cities responsibility.
So for two years the BOE was short $400,000 and an additional $100,000 shortage (cafeteria payroll and other expenditures) added up to nearly ONE Million.
All of these details are available to view as well as the e-mails that were exchanged between Nancy Haynes, the former BOE business manager, and Carl Erlacher, Director of Finance for the City of Middletown.
ed 4 ed threatened school staff last year and gene nocera had to haul him in to apologize. Maybe Dr. Nocera is available to get him to apologize to MI!
ReplyDeleteA strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.
ReplyDeleteDarrell doesn't have it quite right. Yes most of this overage exists as a result of a disagreement between the City and the BOE over the disposition of grant funds. Also from an overage in the Cafeteria fund. The bottom line is that the BOE basically dispersed funds that it not have and the resulting approximately 1 million dollars was taken from the GENERAL FUND BALANCE as shown in the financial statements. Put in the most simplist terms, the BOE spent more than they were given that year by approximately 1 million dollars and this is reflected in the balance sheet as a negative to the general fund balance.
ReplyDeleteWould be nice if Ed spent as much time doing what he was elected to do as he does threatening.
ReplyDeleteI thought Ed has a blog too? Why is he different? Are their blog rules? Right! Ed's and rules for everybody else.
ReplyDeleteImagine the deposition int his case?
First Questions:
"Ed, do you currently run a political based blog in MIddletown?"
"Have you ever taken or written about a position on a issue?"
"Have you ever used satire or parody?"
It's okay for Ed but not for YOU!!!
Does this letter constitute extortion? That would be a crime would it not. I mean it does contain threats.
ReplyDeleteI have a police scanner and guess what I just heard?
ReplyDeleteDon't know what you heard? Do tell!
ReplyDeleteI heard it too.
ReplyDeleteDarrel, the Insider exposed all that in many previous posts, your conclusions re nothing new and not yours alone. You do have some wrong facts
ReplyDeleteHow the heck can Ed make threats like this when everything in that article is true? He and his neighbors bought a house together with the idea to sell and when you sell you might make money? He and neighbors said so at the meeting that was on TV!! What's the big freakin deal Ed? He manipulates public opinion and BULLYS people and gets mad when people state facts!!!
ReplyDeletePerhaps the Blue HOuse thing is the tip of iceberg with them.. You are right poster, why are they getting so bent out of shape?
ReplyDeleteHow about a story on Ed's nasty letter to an alleged member of the Middletown Insider..
ReplyDeleteHow about a story on the police report that was filed by the same individual against Ed for causing a disruption on person's said porch on Sunday Morning? Check the report, it's the
Ed will make sure that it never sees the light of day and unless he was actually arrested, it can't be FOI'd
ReplyDeleteNow if the person chooses to make the disruption public, they are protected by the 1st amendment.
Not.for nothing when are people going to marginalize this yahoo for the hypocritical bully that he is?
That public official who received the uninvited visit at her home is justified in being afraid. Anger management is a problem for this guy. He even threatened school staff with a balled up fist. Unfortunately he gets away with his behavior and will continue to do so until someone has the courage to say no more, have him arrested and shine the light on his temper. The warning signs are there and he needs to be stopped before someone actually gets hurt.
ReplyDeleteAnd he's a public official! Only in Middletown.
Here is the Poop Scoop on ole Eddie:
ReplyDeleteHe wrote a nasty letter to one public official who sits on a very important committee in this matter: threats about this and that if this public official doesn't retract her/his statments which were published ANON by you guys/girls. Ed can do what he wants, it's ED4ED or ED$ED per Blue HOUSE LLC.
After having his threatening letter ignored, EM goes to her/his home on a SUNDAY morning with a camera in hand and is yelling and screaming until cops are called on him. The residents of the home "were shocked and scared about said incident."(FOI It! Naysayers!)
I thought he was going to hire an lawyer, yet he took the LAW or whatever into his own hands.....
ReplyDeleteCriminal Case?
If what anon at 9:19 posts is accurate, how can such a person be on the BOE?
ReplyDeleteWonder if the BOE members been made aware of his behavior. People on the school board should model behavior for the students they serve. We try to teach our students conflict resolution, not conflict creation like Ed4Ed does.
and before Ed4Ed and his 5 supporters start complaining that this has nothing to do with his position on the BOE they need to think again. When a student's out of school behavior causes a disruption in school, it is taken into account. So if he threatened someone to the point that the police had to be called, it DOES create a situation that spills over into his ability to govern effectively.
At minimum, the school board needs to censure him.
I regularly read the Insider, the Eye and the Patch. Each of those seems to have a specific point of view that they support while the Patch does seem to offer more "news". I find that the blogs often show hints at the back story that often is important but not necessarily common knowledge to the average citizen. Nothing happens in a vacuum and no one is an island.
ReplyDeleteEd sent an email to the Insider threatening to sue unless an blog was removed due to inaccuracies. All he really had to do was to point out the errors; make the corrections. Tell the Insider where they are incorrect in their opinions.
There is absolutely no way that he should have gone to anyone's house to "talk" to them about postings on the blog after threatening to sue them.
The Patch has posted an article regarding the Insider blog and who writes it. I'm not sure why this is important considering that all of the online papers and the other blog allow annoymous comments in response to their articles.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm of the firm belief that it's the content that's important and does that content give me more information or make me think about the issue in another way? Did I learn something? To me, whether I know who wrote something or not really doesn't have a bearing on whether I know it to be true or not. My parents always taught me to think - just because it's in print or you heard something, think about it; do your own research, then decide. It's your responsibility to be an informed voter and member of society.
Ummmm...Eddie says he just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar no i mean a cup of Bourbon or maybe a few rotten eggs from a neighbor on Saturday. Just a silly misunderstanding and really wouldn't have broken the door down.
ReplyDeleteYeah that's the ticket.
Ed claims that lies and untruths have been posted, and calls them "lies by liars" on FB. Yet he remains silent, even in his own blog where censorship thrives, on what exactly the lies and untruths are.
ReplyDeleteMakes you wonder about the "truth" of his accusation.
A suspected reason why Ed4Ed doesn't want Blue House LLC brought to light is that the Connection Inc. bid on the house to turn it into a half way rehab house. The neighbor's didn't want that so they bought it- perfectly legal and fine. Issue is being hypocritical - Ed4Ed's wife works for Gilead Services/CHC Mid on Main and some of the liberal leaning villagers often praise all these social services offered in Middletown and want more. Turns out they just don't want them in THEIR back yard and wanted to hide from public scrutiny. NIMBY.