Friday, December 07, 2012

Remember Pearl Harbor

December 7, 1941—"a date which will live in infamy," perhaps the most famous Pearl Harbor Day quote of all will be on everyone's minds today. In remembrance of the attack on Pearl Harbor today, President Barack Obama  has  issued a Presidential Proclamation as a day to honor all those who died—2,402 Americans were killed and 1,282 wounded—in the  attack.

Middletown Insider staff would like everyone to take a moment to remember those who lost their lives on this day, and all veterans before and after who have sacrificed to keep us free.

If any readers know of any special memorial services being held today, please list in the comments below. Thank you.
Closest to Middletown Pearl Harbor Memorial Service today: PEARL HARBOR MEMORIAL SERVICE AT THE IWO JIMA MEMORIAL IN  NEWINGTON 11:00 A.M. - 2 P.M. (11:55 A.M. WREATH CEREMONY) 


  1. Pearl Harbor....nice place to "put" a naval base, eh?

  2. God Bless all those who died, and all those who rose to the occassion amist the horrors of the attack. And, god bless the nurses and medical staff-unsung heros.

    Thank you to all who have served and who serve!


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