Wayne Winsley for Congress
Connecticut’s Third Congressional District
For Immediate Release
Suspend Gas Taxes Now
NAUGATUCK, CONN – September 12: Wayne Winsley, committed to effectively represent all the people of Connecticut’s 3rd U.S. Congressional District and to restore the Public Trust, today released the following statement:
a person has a full-time job that they must commute to; or, a person is
out of work but actively seeking a job; or, commuting to a part-time
job; or, commuting to school; or, going to the grocery store to purchase
food for their family – we need gasoline in the tank. That’s the
reality. Here’s another part of our reality: ‘Putting gas in the tank costs money’. In Connecticut, gasoline costs are way too high.
Why is every one of us paying excessively high ‘Gas Prices at the Pump’ here in Connecticut? Here are some facts:
- The fact is every gallon of gas costs much more today than it did when President Obama took office.
- The fact that Mr. Obama blocks expanded drilling is another.
- The dollar’s devaluation internationally is another.
- The dollar’s decreasing purchasing power domestically is yet another.
“But, an overriding factor is the ineffective representation by incumbents among the CT Delegation to Washington - as well as State Legislative majority in Hartford, who persistently have put their own ‘tax collecting interests’ and ongoing ‘politics-as-usual’ ahead of all of the people’s interests. Such practices cannot be permitted to continue.”
“It’s Time to Change. It’s Time to Lead. It’s Time to Act. It’s Time to Suspend Gas Taxes!”
Today, I call on every incumbent/challenger for the US Congress to join me in Suspending the Federal Gas Tax.
I am calling for a full suspension of the $18.4 cents
per gallon Federal Gas Tax effective October 1, 2012.
We do not need to wait for January. In
fact, we must not wait. We must take action now ‘for the people’.
Further, in the spirit of Restoring America’s Promise, I cordially invite every current Federal Incumbent/Challenger to join me; and, I am extending my hand to each current CT Federal Incumbent (Blumenthal, Lieberman, Courtney, DeLauro, Himes, Larson and Murphy) as well as each CT Federal Challenger (Decker, Estey, Formica, McMahon, Obsitnick, Rorabach, among others).
In addition, I call on every incumbent/challenger for the State Legislature to join me in Suspending the CT State Gas Tax.
I am calling for a full suspension of the $48.6 cents per gallon CT State Gas Tax effective October 1, 2012. We do not need to wait for the next scheduled session. Again, we must take action now ‘to do the people’s work’. With all respect to, and expectation of, our Governor, a prompt call of the CT General Assembly into special session this month is both warranted and needed.
I am calling for a full suspension of the $48.6 cents per gallon CT State Gas Tax effective October 1, 2012. We do not need to wait for the next scheduled session. Again, we must take action now ‘to do the people’s work’. With all respect to, and expectation of, our Governor, a prompt call of the CT General Assembly into special session this month is both warranted and needed.
Further, in the spirit of Restoring America’s Promise in Connecticut, I urge all Incumbent leaders of both the majority and minority parties in the CT General Assembly to include each
of their respective Challengers in any and all pre-special session
General Assembly discussions. Of course, all such formal and informal
gatherings as well as the Special Session should be televised live on
speak directly with Wayne Winsley, schedule a media interview, or to
schedule a visit with your group, organization or association, contact
him directly by phone at 860-248-0324 or via email wayne@winsleyforcongress.org .
Media Release 091212 # # #
$4.239 a gallon for regular unleaded. Thank you Rosa DeLauro for stickin it to the drivers in Connecticut's 3rd district!
ReplyDeleteThere's gotta be a better representative in the future. Who is Wayne Winsley?
They should suspend the gas tax but come one the state is run by democrats who want more of our dollars to spend.
ReplyDeleteNot going to happen but it should. The politicians in Hartford don't care about us only their own selves and their reelections.