Friday, September 21, 2012

DeLauro Must Stop Dodging

For Immediate Release

DeLauro Must Stop Dodging 
NAUGATUCK, CONN – September 18: Wayne Winsley, committed to effectively represent all the people of Connecticut’s 3rd U.S. Congressional District and to restore the Public Trust, today released the following statement:

“Incumbent Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, in a recent statement caught on videotape says she, “hasn’t heard from Wayne.” regarding any candidate forums or debates.  That is not accurate.

The truth is we have invited incumbent DeLauro to several open forums held throughout the 3rd Congressional District.  Our campaign Media Releases are sent directly to the DeLauro campaign.  But, there is more.  For example:

Prior to the public forum held on August 9th at the East Haven Senior Center, on August 8th, an enterprising media professional took the initiative to contact the DeLauro campaign and published the following statement that the  incumbent “Congresswoman DeLauro’s staff says she will not be attending this candidate forum”.  Obviously, the DeLauro campaign has been aware of the forums.  Equally obvious, either Ms. DeLauro is out of touch with her staff - as increasingly is the case with citizens in the 3rd CD – or disorganization is the case at the campaign’s HQ. 

It is time for incumbent DeLauro to stop dodging and join me with the citizens of the 3rd CD in public forums.

The people deserve the opportunity to hold incumbent DeLauro accountable for her two decades in office and to hold Wayne Winsley accountable for what he commits to do as their next U.S. Congressional Representative.

To speak directly with Wayne Winsley, schedule a media interview, or to schedule a visit with your group, organization or association, contact him directly by phone at860-248-0324 or via email .

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