The United Way Young Leaders' Society "Young Leaders in Politics" panel is being held Thursday May 31 2012 at the Daniels Family Commons, Usdan Center on Wesleyan Campus.
There will be a networking reception from 5:30 to 6:15, and the panel will begin promptly at 6:15. Jeff McDonald from Wesleyan will welcome attendees, then introduce Justin Carbonella, Young Leaders' Society Chair. Justin will have some brief remarks and then introduce Jeff Stoecker, our panel moderator. Tomorrow's panel consists of BOE member Ryan Kennedy, Treasurer Quentin Phipps, Representative Matt Lesser, and P& Z Commissioner Molly Salafia.
The event is being held to generate some discussion about different ways to get involved in the political process, whether at the local, state, or even national level - not just by running for office, but by working on campaigns and/or policy issues. At approximately 7:00 pm we will open up to the audience for Q & A. The event is not a debate on issues or platforms, just a way to motivate and encourage more political involvement, regardless of affiliation.
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