Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hearing for Murderer David Messenger's release from CVH Friday

The Middletown Press is reporting that there will be a public hearing held for David Messenger who is being "treated" at CVH on Friday June 1, 2012.

This hearing is a continuation of a hearing that was held in November, where the  board in control of Messenger's treatment found him mentally fit to leave the Connecticut Valley Hospital grounds with "supervision" by staff  to attend outpatient treatment in Hartford and Middletown. Upon treatment completion would eventually be allowed to stay at a resident of an outpatient facility.

Messenger "allegedly" beat to death his pregnant wife Heather Messenger with a fire poker and a piece of wood back in 1998 while his five year old child was present at the scene.
Messenger was acquitted of first-degree manslaughter by reason of mental illness committed to Connecticut Valley Hospital in 2001. His "treatment" is said to be 20 years, and the actual charge is manslaughter.

As you recall, Messenger suited the City of Middletown and then Mayor Giulaino for infringement on his First Amendment rights when he petitioned for release to attend Church Services at First Congregational Church in Middletown. Pastor John C. Hall (Also chair of the Jonas Center) speaks of visiting Messenger here in a published sermon, but also concludes it is not up to the Church to decide Messenger's release:
Hall  states in his sermon regarding Messenger: ""He appears (to me at least) fully recovered.  He’s on no medication.  And even though these memories and experiences are still quite painful he is willing to speak quite openly about them."

 The suit was dismissed. Giuliano was quoted by the local press as saying if Messenger were to be released by the state Psychiatric Safety Review Board, Giuliano would see that a police officer was "stapled to his butt at all times." Mayor Drew failed to attend the hearing last November, citing something about no one telling him to go or something, but issued a letter afterwards stating he did not support Messenger's release. Later Drew did damage control by writing a letter with some strong big boy words protesting another scheduled release of  patient Kenneth Ruggles who also had a violent past in attempts to take the attention off the fact he only acted after the fact in the case of Messenger. Middletown City Attorney Tim Lynch will be at the hearing as well as the victim's family. Messenger is entitled to a hearing for release every two years by law. Is it just us, or does it seem like we always hear about violent mentally insane murders going into CVH but we as citizens never hear when they come out? Is there just an infinite supply of beds there? If our safety is in jeopardy, as citizens, we have a right to know.

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