That said, the job can be difficult at times. The more
effort you put into being an effective voice and promoting change, the harder
it can be. The natural state is the status quo and adding more input only
increases the resistance.
What is the hardest part of serving in elected office? I’d
say frustration over the inability to make sure my constituents are properly
informed. Every issue is clouded by misinformation and political spin.
Hacking a way through the distractions to develop thoughtful
positions and make informed votes is hard enough for me – and it’s my job that
I am immersed in twenty four hours each day. For citizens and voters, it can be
downright impossible, even for those interested enough to seek the facts and
Politics is often an ugly business and far too many involved
are willing to bend the truth to gain support for their positions. This
problem is magnified by the complexity of the issue at hand and the money spent by stakeholders attempting to frame the issue for their benefit.
problem is magnified by the complexity of the issue at hand and the money spent by stakeholders attempting to frame the issue for their benefit.
These days every issue seems to be life or death. As Democrats
see their control of our state government slipping away, they rely more and
more on wedge issues that might take the focus off of the damage they have done
to our state.
residents have been bombarded by news articles and TV ads in support of Judge Andrew
McDonald claiming that anyone who would oppose his appointment must be a bigot
– a ridiculous and unsubstantiated allegation that shocks with its
I voted against Andrew McDonald several years ago when he
was first appointed to the Supreme Court. I knew him to be an extremely partisan
progressive State Senator and then Governor Malloy’s chief council, known for
making malicious and rude comments about his political opponents in the press.
I was shocked to see him being considered for the state Supreme Court! Of
course, I voted no.
Since then, there have been numerous issues raised regarding
McDonald’s jurisprudence. The most damning for me is his involvement in the
repeal of the death penalty. As a State Senator, McDonald was a staunch
advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. It was no surprise that as the
Governor’s chief attorney, he would stand by as Malloy vowed for its repeal. A
bill was proposed that would repeal the death penalty, but only “prospectively”
– meaning that it would stand for previous crimes and those that were on death
row would remain, including the two heinous criminals convicted of the infamous
home invasion in Cheshire
a decade ago.
Many legislators, including me, publicly questioned on the
floor of the House of Representatives whether such a law could withstand
appeals from the other death row inmates. The repeal narrowly passed with the
support of several legislators who claimed they were assured by the Governor’s
office that this would stand a legal test because of the clear legislative intent.
Not long after, appeals were indeed filed, McDonald was added to the Supreme Court, and lo and behold, a decision was to be made regarding the constitutionality of a “prospective” death penalty. Judge McDonald was required by rule and by common sense to recuse himself based on his own previous involvement. Yet, he chose to remain on the court and cast the deciding vote 4-3 to not only scrap the problematic law, but to repeal the entire death penalty in our state using the judicial system. This is the very definition of “legislating from the bench.”
Not long after, appeals were indeed filed, McDonald was added to the Supreme Court, and lo and behold, a decision was to be made regarding the constitutionality of a “prospective” death penalty. Judge McDonald was required by rule and by common sense to recuse himself based on his own previous involvement. Yet, he chose to remain on the court and cast the deciding vote 4-3 to not only scrap the problematic law, but to repeal the entire death penalty in our state using the judicial system. This is the very definition of “legislating from the bench.”
Democrats see the horizon and are reacting, narrowly passing
an unsustainable and ill-conceived labor agreement through 2027, using this
election year to distract from the state’s problems with bills on gun control, “trick
or treat day”, and this absurd effort to bully opponents of an unqualified
candidate for Chief Justice with claims of bigotry.
I will do my part to make sure you know the truth. As
always, feel free to contact me at www.repsampson.com.
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