Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Merriam-Webster Word of The Day - Grandiose

March 27, 2018
grandiose Audio pronunciation
adjective | gran-dee-OHSS  
characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor or by absurdexaggeration
impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or grandeur
Scroll down for more about grandiose
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Did You Know?
Grandiosemagnificentimposingstatelymajestic, and grand all can mean very large and impressive. Grand adds to greatness of size the implications of handsomeness and dignity, as in "a grand staircase." Magnificent implies an extreme and impressive largeness without sacrifice of dignity or good taste ("magnificent paintings"). Imposing implies great size and dignity but especially stresses impressiveness ("an imposing edifice"). Stately may suggest poised dignity, erectness of bearing, handsomeness of proportions, and ceremonious deliberation of movement ("the stately procession"). Majestic combines the implications of imposing and stately and usually adds a suggestion of solemn grandeur ("a majestic waterfall"). Grandiose implies a size or scope exceeding ordinary experience ("grandiose hydroelectric projects").
Examples of GRANDIOSE
The committee eventually scaled back the most outlandish parts of its plans for the festival, including a grandiose scheme to bring in live peacocks for the event.
"I wonder if Louise ever imagined the magnitude of influence her work was to have on the planet. Probably not; for greatness such as hers is more likely to be born of purpose than of grandiose design."
— Suzy SinghBusiness World, 2 Sept. 2017
Test Your Vocabulary
Fill in the blanks to complete an adjective meaning "marked by majestic dignity or grandeur": _ ug _ _ t.
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