Thursday, March 15, 2018

CCDL - New Bills For March 15 *AND* a Public Hearing

There are four new gun bills for today. All four have already been assigned a public hearing date. Here are the bills, followed by the public hearing information.
H.B. No. 5538 (RAISED) JUDICIARY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING A NONEXPIRING AMMUNITION PERMIT', to allow an option for a life-time ammunition permit.
H.B. No. 5539 (RAISED) JUDICIARY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING FIREARMS IN STATE PARKS', to permit persons to carry firearms in state parks.
H.B. No. 5540 (RAISED) JUDICIARY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING GHOST GUNS AND THE PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS', to ban guns without serial numbers and regulate those which are sold in a form requiring the purchaser to finish assembly or that are homemade and to permit local authorities to interview immediate family members as part of a determination of an applicant's suitability.
H.B. No. 5542 (RAISED) JUDICIARY. 'AN ACT CONCERNING BUMP STOCKS AND OTHER MEANS OF ENHANCING THE RATE OF FIRE OF A FIREARM', to ban the sale or transfer, possession, manufacturing or use of bump stocks or other accessories to increase the rate of fire of a firearm.
The Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on Friday, March 23, 2018 at the Legislative Office Building (LOB), 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford. Exact time and room number to be determined.
We need members to show up in force to show our support. The people opposed to our rights plan to be there in large numbers.

Members are encouraged to give oral and written testimony on these bills. Speaking order will be determined by a lottery system. Lottery numbers will be drawn before the start of the hearing. Speakers arriving after the completion of the lottery will have their names placed at the end of the speaker list.
Please submit 50 copies of your written testimony to the committee staff before the hearing. Testimony received after the designated time may not be distributed until after the hearing.
It is also very helpful to email your written testimony in Word or PDF format to a day or two before the hearing. Many legislators prefer to read your testimony online. Be sure to send a copy of your written testimony to your State Senator and State Representative.

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