Today is the start of the 2018 State Legislative Session.
We already know there will be proposals to ban "bump stocks"
(along with anything that might make a gun cycle faster than stock),
making or assembling your own gun from parts, and another attempt at $300 permit fees.
we've done in the past, I'm going to repeat a few old blog posts for
the new members and also as a refresher for the older members. First up
is how to subscribe to these blog updates by email.
usually sends out 1-2 emails a month to keep our members updated on
what's going on with the organization and our gun rights. With the
political climate the way it is, things sometimes happen far too fast to
wait for a monthly email. A good way to stay up to date with everything
happening is to subscribe to this blog. Just look down the right side
of the blog home page (http://ccdl.us/blog/) and you will see a place to enter your email address. It looks like this:
Simply enter your email address and press the subscribe button.
You will then get a confirmation email from "CCDL Blog". Open that email and press the Confirm Follow button. Now you will get an email when there is a new post here. Don't worry, if you ever change your mind, every email has a link to unsubscribe.
You will then get a confirmation email from "CCDL Blog". Open that email and press the Confirm Follow button. Now you will get an email when there is a new post here. Don't worry, if you ever change your mind, every email has a link to unsubscribe.
One last thing, if you are active on Facebook, besides the Official CCDL page, there is also a CCDL discussion group. It's a good place to interact with fellow CCDL members.
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