Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Senator Fasano - The Truth about Tolls and Gas Taxes – Join Me for a Facebook Live Q&A

Have questions about Governor Malloy’s plan to implement tolls throughout Connecticut?

Want to know more about the governor’s proposed 7 cent gas tax increase?

Wondering how much tolls could cost Connecticut residents, businesses and families?

I’ll be available to answer these questions and more tomorrow.
 Join me for a Facebook Live Q & A tomorrow, Wednesday, February 7th from 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm to discuss the governor’s latest proposal to increase the gas tax and implement tolls across Connecticut.
 You can submit questions by commenting directly on the
Facebook Live Video Feed. You can also submit questions ahead of time by emailing them to Write “Facebook Live” in the subject line.
I’ll do my best to answer as many of these questions as possible from 2:00pm - 2:30 pm.

I believe it’s completely irresponsible to authorize tolls without first understanding how they will impact Connecticut residents. But instead of releasing a detailed plan, Gov. Malloy and some Democrat lawmakers are telling the public: “Pass tolls now; let the government figure out the details later.”

To help formulate your questions, below is a list of what we know and don’t know about the Democrats’ proposal. You can also click to listen to my interview with Vinnie Penn on 960 WELI, and my conversation with Lee Elci on 94.9.

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