Friday, November 17, 2017

CCDL Selects "Legislator of the Year"

The CCDL Executive Board proudly selects Melissa Ziobron as the 2017 CCDL Legislator of the Year.
Announcing the award, president Scott Wilson stated the following:
“CCDL would like to express our gratitude for the hard work that Melissa has done to protect our rights as citizens of Connecticut. While many other legislators were very helpful to kill pistol permit fee increase proposals or other gun related bills, this particular year, Melissa has stood out.”
“With Melissa’s effort to get ahead of this important issue, CCDL was able to muster support in time to testify before her committee and oppose these proposed fee increases. In a year of serious fiscal shortfalls, this was no small feat. CCDL and every permit holder owes Melissa a debt of gratitude. We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to her on behalf of our members.”
Melissa serves the 34th house district (Colchester, East Haddam and East Hampton). As a ranking member of the Appropriations Committee, she kept a keen eye on budget proposals that would have severely impacted the fees for pistol permits. These proposed fee increases would have been devastating to many gun owners in the state.
Melissa will be attending our monthly meeting to receive her award. CCDL invites our members to join us at the Elks Lodge (44 Maynard St) on November 14th 7:00pm in Middletown, CT to honor her.
Melissa Ziobron

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