Monday, October 23, 2017

The Worst Photo Op Ever...

The Worst Photo Op EVer

By Staff Writer, Brian E. Clark

Just so we’re clear, I wanted nothing to do with this, the visit of Hillary Clinton to Middletown, for a book signing. I had no interest in seeing her, taking pictures of her, or standing on the outside looking in, with any other Photog’s, or protestors. I am glad that the event went off without a hitch. Thank you to all the Middletown & State Police, and Secret Service for making the event enjoyable for all that attended.

The issue I have is this picture. I know that getting your picture with a celebrity is probably the first thought in anyone’s mind, but there are ramifications in everything. The picture looks innocent enough, but the fact remains, Hillary Clinton yes, is a celebrity. She is a former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and previously, a Candidate for President of the United States. So, I get it. She’s been all these things, and a picture makes for a great addition to one’s mantle.

In all of those things she was, she IS, a politician. What if she runs for President again? Now she has a picture of all those police officers, which could easily be presented that the Middletown Police support Hillary Clinton for…. Whatever! I am one of the better people on the internet that can manipulate photographs to achieve whatever I need from them. The same goes here. Anyone can use that photograph to achieve whatever agenda they have, and by the time you complain about it, the damage is done, and if there’s a retraction, it will be weeks later buried in the publication.

It’s always easy to criticize and play Monday Morning Quarterback, but when the topic is the Police Department, there shouldn’t be questions of why their members made questionable decisions. This is also the very same Police Department that has a dedicated YouTube Channel on how hard they are when someone takes their picture or video. It’s worth checking it out. I also have been treated harshly, that is now why whenever I am in public, my Press Credentials are always out.

Maybe I’m making a mountain out of a molehill, now, but if she runs for office again, and uses that picture, shame on you! Take pictures individually. Not to mention she may be a key player in one of the biggest criminal investigations this country has ever seen. Do all cops take pictures with the suspects?

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