Monday, October 23, 2017

Samuel P. Belsito, Jr. (State Representative, 53rd District) Endorses Prasad Srinivasan for Governor

Image result for prasad srinivasan glastonbury ct
Dr.  Prasad Srinivasan
Glastonbury, CT (October 16, 2017) — Dr.
Prasad Srinivasan, candidate for Governor, has
been endorsed by State Representative Samuel P. Belsito, Jr. (CT-53). "I have known and worked with Prasad for six years in the Connecticut State Legislature. Prasad is a good friend who I find to be intelligent, well spoken, trust worthy and a true gentleman. He understands the values of the Citizens of Connecticut."

"Prasad is honest and dependable. He can always be counted on to do the right thing. As a Medical Doctor, Prasad has the necessary intellect to grasp any problem and develop the right solution for the existing condition. Our State of Connecticut faces many problems and roadblocks. I am sure Prasad will instill leadership and bring Connecticut back to the ‘Status as one of the Great States' in the United States. I know Prasad will work tirelessly to rejuvenate the State of Connecticut and make it 'Great Again.'"

"I wholeheartedly endorse Prasad Srinivasan for Governor."

Dr. Srinivasan is a four-time State Representative from Glastonbury. A practicing physician in Greater Hartford, Dr. Srinivasan has been elected to office by overwhelming margins ranging from twelve to thirty-five points. Dr. Srinivasan is an Assistant Republican Leader in the State House of Representatives who currently serves as the Ranking Member of the legislature’s Public Health Committee, and also serves on the Judiciary and Environmental Committees.


To learn more about Prasad or to volunteer, please visit

Paid for by Srinivasan for Governor. Treasurer-Madhu Reddy. Approved by Prasad Srinivasan

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