Oath Keeper USMC Veteran (from Vancouver, WA) Standing Guard in Portland, OR, June 4, 2017
by Stewart Rhodes
UPDATE, June 5, 2017:
James Buchal, the Multnomah County, OR GOP Chair, joined us for the Free Speech Rally in Portland, yesterday. In fact he spoke at the rally, delivering an exceptional, heart-felt speech. Oath Keepers provided him with a professional Personal Security Detail (PSD) to and from the rally, and he was kept safe the entire time. Not a hair on his head was touched, despite several attempts by Antifa to get close to him. He later stated that he "wouldn't have felt safe enough to attend the rally without Oath Keepers protection." It speaks well of him as a patriot and as a leader that he led by his example, speaking at an event that others were too afraid to attend. The Multnomah County Republicans are lucky to have him as their Chair. Like a true leader, he leads from the front and we hope the rest of the Multnomah County Republicans will follow his example. And if they do, we would be honored to protect them.
June 3, 2017
Oath Keepers Founder, Stewart Rhodes contacted the Multnomah County, OR GOP Chair, James Buchal, this past week to offer free volunteer security teams to protect Oregon Republicans at public events after a series of violent incidents and threats of violence in Portland, Oregon. This was in response to recent statements by Mr. Buchal that many Oregon Republicans were now afraid to attend public events and he was considering using volunteer "sheepdogs" such as Oath Keepers and Three Percenters for help with security. In an official statement, Chairman Buchal elaborated:
Multnomah Republican Party members have experienced physical and verbal attacks merely for sitting at booths under the Party banner at street fairs in Portland. A lunatic on Facebook threatened
to stab our members to death for daring to march in the Avenue of Roses Parade; Parade organizers told the newspaper they couldn't get assurances of police protection, and cancelled the Parade. No blood was shed in those cases, but Multnomah County Republicans don't feel safe in public, and we are trying to figure out how to respond. More and more citizens are stepping forward to assume the role of sheepdogs as the population of wolves rises.
And who are those sheepdogs he is speaking of? None other than Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters. As The Guardian reported:
Multnomah County GOP chair James Buchal, however, told the Guardian that recent street protests had prompted Portland Republicans to consider alternatives to "abandoning the public square".
"I am sort of evolving to the point where I think that it is appropriate for Republicans to continue to go out there," he said. "And if they need to have a security force protecting them, that's an appropriate thing too."
Asked if this meant Republicans making their own security arrangements rather than relying on city or state police, Buchal said: "Yeah. And there are these people arising, like the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters."
It comes as no surprise that Chairman Buchal should think of Oath Keepers as well as the Three Percenters when trying to find a solution to the terrorism against conservatives in Portland. We are the "sheepdogs." What patriot group has a higher percentage of well-trained, competent, professional police and military veterans than Oath Keepers? None. What group has a higher obligation and duty, under their stated mission, to stand in the breach and defend those who cannot defend themselves? None. If we will not do it, why should anyone else? And for those timid souls who consider this kind of operation "too dangerous" to do in Portland, what would you say to Chairman Buchal and the other Republicans in Multnomah County? What would you say to their senior citizens who are afraid of being beaten in the streets just for being a Republican? Would you say:
Sorry to hear your elderly members are being assaulted and threatened with death for simply having a public booth, and now are afraid to go out in public in Portland, as Republicans. Thanks for thinking of us, but you're on your own there in Multnomah County, because we think it's just too risky for us to protect patriotic Americans from communist dirtbag terrorists in Portland. We've weighed the pro's and con's, and we just see no up-side (for us). But good luck!"
Over my dead body, and not on my watch! I called Mr. Buchal on Wednesday and pledged our unconditional support, and I let him know that I will personally fly in from Montana, if necessary, to lead the way in ensuring that his people are protected at public events. I told him that he has a standing offer, and all he has to do is ask. And that we would do it for FREE. He was very grateful and we had a good laugh at how the leftist media is going crazy over his merely mentioning our name. We also chatted a bit about the coincidence of of both of us being Yale Law School graduates.
As Chairman Buchal's testimony makes clear, the issue of defending free speech in Portland is not just about Patriot Prayer and their series of free speech street marches and rallies. It's far bigger than that. It's about the ability of all of the people of Portland to freely exercise their right to free speech, assembly, freedom of association, and their freedom to participate in the legal process and outreach and organize among their fellow Americans. Without that right, all of Portland, all of Multnomah County, becomes a dictatorship with one-party, one ideology rule enforced by street thugs and terrorists.
Not on Our Watch!
Stewart Rhodes
PS - I am certain that many other patriotic organizations would be happy to help with any such security detail, and we welcome their assistance. All for one, and one for all in the cause of liberty.
If you support our operations to protect free speech from far-left terrorist violence, please make a donation so we can keep doing this vital work. We protect events for free, not charging the event organizers or attendees a dime, but there are considerable costs in travel and logistics. Please pitch in.
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. If you believe in the mission of Oath Keepers, to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, please consider making a donation to support our work. You can donate HERE.
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