Sunday, February 05, 2017

A Billion Lives Matter

A Billion Lives - Poster 1 - WEBRed Carpet Premier Screening of ‘A Billion Lives’
 Note:  The screening has long passed, but the movie is still available.

480,000 people in the US die every year from smoking related illnesses and a billion people are projected to die this century worldwide.

Monday, November 28th, 2016
Carmike Theater, 19 Frontage Road, Berlin, CT 06037
7:30 pm Red-Carpet Meet & Greet
8:30 pm A Billion Lives Premier Screening followed by our Panel Q&A Session
10:30 pm Hands for A Billion Lives Movement

The Connecticut chapter of Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA), proudly presents, this premier showing of the award-winning documentary "A Billion Lives". The movie's producer/director Aaron Biebert outlines the history and conspiracy behind governmental and large businesses' concerted efforts to shut down the vapor industry.

This viable alternative has been under scrutiny from the FDA for some time, and the vapor industry’s thousands of small businesses took a fatal blow when the FDA deemed the industry tobacco, and regulations took effect on August 8th, 2016. These regulations are so onerous in nature that they threaten to eradicate over 98% of all products on the market. This over-regulation, of what has been embraced in the United Kingdom as a harm reduction product, and the unfortunate lack of knowledge about how these products work, may end up as our nation’s greatest public health catastrophe. This documentary helps to shed light on the backdoor deals that drive tobacco and pharmaceutical companies to work with governments to suppress an industry that could stand to save a billion lives over the next century.

We will have several local and international celebrities, comprising a panel for a Q & A session and to help us celebrate this movement to save a billion lives. Each panelist has their own reason for participating in this movement, so we ask that you join us to find out why they are so supportive. Smoking related death is a worldwide issue that reaches almost every household—more proactive steps need to be taken to alter the course of the future.

Guests include local politicians; Joe Aersimowicz (D) and Dan Carter (R), Former Winston man and film star; David Goerlitz, musician; Eliot Lewis of Hall & Oates and MTV's Live From Daryl's House, actor; Tony Sharra of AMC's Making of the Mob, SFATA National Board of Directors member; April Meyers, as well as several SFATA state chapter founders and members.

Our evening will conclude with a "Hands for A Billion Lives" movement to honor all our loved ones that have lost their lives to tobacco related illnesses.
This will be a powerful and emotional evening, revealing truths about the tobacco, pharmaceutical and vapor industries. All guests/panelists will be available for interviews.
For additional information on A Billion Lives & Hands for A Billion Lives:
For more information on this specific event:
Or you can call Program Coordinator Andrew O’Bright 860.841.3196 or SFATA Leaders April Meyers 860.581.3647, Christine Mazzotta 860.716.7947

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