Thursday, January 26, 2017

CCDL - Here We Go! 1st Gun Bills Of 2017

The 2017 Connecticut state legislative regular session started January 4th and Adjourns June 7th. The first few days are mostly formalities, but now we're starting to see the first proposed gun bills coming out. Remember, these are just proposed bills right now, but this is the best time to kill the bad ones and prevent them from moving ahead, or voice your support for the good ones.
CCDL is also going to try and start tracking more sportsmen related bills, since there is a lot of overlap between gun owners and sportsmen. You'll see those bills listed after the gun bills.
These are just the bills announced today. You can always see the FULL list of bills CCDL is tracking by clicking the "Pending Legislation" button near the top of the page, or bookmarking this link:
Proposed H.B. No. 5513 REP. SAMPSON, 80th DIST. 'AN ACT ESTABLISHING A TAX CREDIT AGAINST THE PERSONAL INCOME TAX FOR THE PURCHASE OF A GUN SAFE', to establish a tax credit, not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars, against the personal income tax for the purchase of a gun safe for a taxpayer's personal use. REF. FINANCE, REVENUE AND BONDING
Proposed H.B. No. 5570 REP. SAMPSON, 80th DIST. 'AN ACT REMOVING VOLUNTARY ADMISSION TO A HOSPITAL FOR PSYCHIATRIC DISABILITIES AS A REASON TO DENY A FIREARM PERMIT OR CERTIFICATE', to encourage a person to voluntarily admit himself or herself to a hospital for psychiatric disabilities by not disqualifying such person from receiving a firearm permit or certificate based solely on such voluntary admission. REF. PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY
Proposed H.B. No. 5571 REP. SAMPSON, 80th DIST. 'AN ACT CONCERNING FIREARMS DURING A CIVIL PREPAREDNESS EMERGENCY', to prohibit the Governor or any municipality from restricting lawful possession of a firearm or ammunition during a civil preparedness emergency. REF. PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY
Proposed S.B. No. 73 SEN. WITKOS, 8th DIST. 'AN ACT CONCERNING THE POSSESSION OF HIGH-CAPACITY MAGAZINES BY RETIRED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS', to allow retired law enforcement officers to possess high-capacity magazines. REF. PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY
Proposed S.B. No. 74 SEN. KISSEL, 7th DIST. 'AN ACT PROHIBITING LOCAL REGULATION OF FIREARMS', to prevent the regulation of firearms by municipalities. REF. PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY

Proposed H.B. No. 5495 REP. ACKERT, 8th DIST. 'AN ACT WAIVING HUNTING LICENSE FEES FOR BOW AND ARROW HUNTERS WHO ARE SIXTY-FIVE AND OLDER', to waive hunting license fees for certain senior citizens who hunt by bow and arrow. REF. ENVIRONMENT
Proposed H.B. No. 5499 REP. SKULCZYCK, 45th DIST. 'AN ACT AUTHORIZING SUNDAY HUNTING ON PRIVATE LANDS', to allow Sunday hunting on private lands. REF. ENVIRONMENT

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