Monday, August 01, 2016

Speak Out on Health Insurance Rate Hikes

State Senator Len Fasano

Some of Connecticut’s major health insurers are seeking big rate increases, with average increases as high as 28 percent among plans that cover thousands of workers and their families.

The Connecticut Insurance Department has the authority to reject or modify rates, and the public has an opportunity to speak out.

If you want to voice your concerns about how the proposed insurance rate hikes will impact you and your family, consider taking action.
  • You can submit public comment at
  • You can also testify at the upcoming Insurance Department public hearings.
The public hearings will be held at the Insurance Department, 153 Market Street, 7th Floor Hearing Room, Hartford August 3rd and 4th.

August 3rd at 9:00am – Anthem Health Plans Hearing
August 4th at 9:00am – ConnectiCare Insurance Company
August 4th at 1:00pm – Aetna Insurance Company of CT
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The 34th District
Sent by:
State Senator Len Fasano
300 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT. 06106
Phone: 1-800-842-1421

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