
I wanted to share the results of our latest internal poll:
Only 42% of voters said they'd vote to re-elect Senator Blumenthal if the election were held today. 
When asked, 43% of voters said they would not vote for Senator Blumenthal and 14% were undecided... 
Your IMMEDIATE donation of $25, $50 or even $100 today will help reach the remaining 14%. 
As you know, people are tired of the gridlock in Washington caused by people like Senator Blumenthal, who play politics with the serious issues facing our state.
Please follow this link and help me show the undecided voters they have a choice - $25, $50 or even $100 today will help. 
After nearly 40 years as a career politician, only 42% of people would vote to re-elect Sen. Blumenthal.  It's time to retire him and give voters a fresh approach. 
Thanks in advance,