Thursday, July 07, 2016

CCDL Final Update on Shew v. Malloy

Final Update On Shew v. Malloy
CCDL wishes to thank our valued CCDL members and supporters that helped to bring our legal challenge Shew v Malloy all the way to the Supreme Court. As many already know, the petition was not granted Cert by the Justices.

After the death of Justice Antonin Scalia and with no replacement in sight, we faced a strong possibility of ending up with 4-4 split decision with regards to our petition had they agreed to hear it. Until a successful challenge to a so-called “Assault Weapon Ban” is brought to SCOTUS, the law is now upheld for Connecticut.

A Couple of highlights:
Even before this law passed, CCDL members and other gun owners showed up in the thousands to testify at gun hearings and rallies to oppose unconstitutional legislation. The organization has grown immensely since we started this effort.

Connecticut gun owners rose to the challenge - CCDL members, gun clubs, gun shops, sportsmen clubs, target shooting leagues and individuals coalesced to make this challenge extremely well-funded. This was likely one of the most organized efforts ever by a state-wide gun rights organization to fund a lawsuit of this magnitude. And this is because of all of you.

Final note:
Since this is the conclusion of this effort, we would like to include some special thanks to the NRA-ILA (particularly Chris Conte), David Thompson with Cooper & Kirk, and Brian Stapleton with Goldberg & Segalla.

Any funds left in our Litigation Account will remain there to be used for future legal challenges. Since this lawsuit was filed 3 years ago, CCDL has been diverting virtually all donations to fund it. Going forward, future donations will revert back to our Operating Account to fund CCDL in our mission to protect the unalienable right of all citizens to keep and bear arms, for the defense of both self and state, through public enlightenment and legislative action. A portion of all donations will continue to go to the Litigation Account.

The CCDL Executive Committee would also like to express our sincerest thanks and appreciation to all of you!  Carry On!
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Next Meeting July 12th, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Join us in Middletown for our next monthly meeting. This meeting is open to all Members! As usual, we will be collecting canned goods/non-perishables at our meetings. 
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League strives for hands on activism from our members. We want an organization for us all to be proud of as we put forth effort to fight for our 2nd Amendment rights in our beautiful State. See you there!

Location : Middletown Elks Lodge 771
44 Maynard St
Middletown, CT 06457
View Map or Get Driving Directions
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Copyright © 2016 Connecticut Citizens Defense League, Inc., All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Connecticut Citizens Defense League, Inc.
P.O. Box 642
Groton, CT 06340

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