For Immediate Release:
(Groton, CT) The Connecticut Citizens Defense League offers commentary on partisan statements from both Governor Malloy and the Connecticut Democratic Party.
Comments from CCDL President Scott Wilson:
“First off, due process protections outlined under 14th Amendment are not extremist views. Nor are any other constitutionally protected rights extremist. Our country is based on these principles. I personally can not help but wonder aloud what Dannel Malloy was swearing to uphold when he took the Oath of Office”?
“Secondly, why is our governor and the Connecticut Democratic Party trying to turn these particular rights into a partisan issue in the first place? CCDL is a nonpartisan organization. I feel the overwhelming need at this point to remind both Malloy and the Connecticut Democratic Party that there were a number of Democrat house representatives and two state senators that opposed his prior gun control measures, and many of those legislators were supported by gun owners and CCDL when they ran for reelection in 2014. In the past, CCDL honored former State Rep Steve Mikutel as our Legislator of the Year. He was an exceptional legislator and a Democrat who understood constitutional rights were to be cherished and nurtured, unlike our current governor”.
“Right now many of Democrat legislators have been quiet in regards to Malloy’s intended executive action. I know that CCDL members are interested in what those views are, considering the upcoming election season.”
“Lastly; the Governor recently referred to CCDL as “out of step” with Connecticut. The polls and many comments I have seen indicate that it is the Governor who is out of step. Regardless of whether or not people decide to own a gun or not, rights matter to every citizen of Connecticut, and every American. If we are so “out of step” as the Governor claims, why did the ACLU-CT state that they have “severe reservations about the reliability and constitutionality of government watch lists”? Why does USA Today, while supporting assault weapon and magazine capacity bans say “Using a secret and sloppy list to take away a constitutional right is a bad idea” and “denying a constitutional right for certain citizens, based on a secret government list, just doesn’t meet the test of American values”. Why is gun ownership at the highest level the state of Connecticut has seen in modern history?”
2014 CCDL Endorsed Democratic Legislators:
Ed Jutila (D) – 37th House District
Frank Nicastro (D) – 79th House District
Linda Orange (D) – 48th House District
Danny Rovero (D) – 51st House District
Kevin Ryan (D) – 139th House District
Peggy Sayers (D) – 60th House District
Louis Esposito (D) – 116th House District
Andrew Maynard (D) – 18th Senate District
Catherine Osten (D) – 19th Senate District
Source of Statements made by Governor Malloy:
Source of Statements made by the Connecticut Democratic Party:
Source of ACLU-CT Quote:
Source of USA Today Quote:
About the CCDL: The Connecticut Citizens Defense League was formed in 2009 by a small group of concerned citizens as a non-partisan organization to advocate second amendment rights in the state of Connecticut. Since their founding, the group has grown to over 20,000 members from across the state.
Thanks to this large supportive base, the CCDL has become a fixture at the state capitol, and well-recognized by committees that see firearms related bills.
As the go-to organization in the state they are consulted regularly by lawmakers who have questions and concerns about pending legislation or existing laws. For more information on the CCDL please visit http://www.ccdl.us
Press Contact:
Scott Wilson
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