We apologize for the lengthy post, and we know many members are busy with the holidays, but this is important. Please read.
Call to Action: 
Help End CT Democratic Leaders Partisanship
Governor Malloy and the Connecticut Democratic Party have been turning the 2nd Amendment and the 14th Amendment into a partisan issue. They are implying that only Republicans support the 2nd Amendment.

Since CCDL is a nonpartisan organization, we are asking CCDL members to call and email those Democrat legislators we have previously endorsed, and ask them to speak out and oppose Governor Malloy's intention to sign an executive order that would violate both the 2nd Amendment and 14th Amendments.  (See: Press Release On Malloy’s Latest Executive Action) 

What We Need CCDL Members To Do

1) Call and email the legislators listed below. Thank them for their past support on helping to protect the 2nd Amendment. If you live in their district, be sure to inform them of this. As a constituent, your voice carries more weight. If you are not sure who your state senator and representative are, you may enter your address here and find out: https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/cgafindleg.asp
2) Tell them you are unhappy that the governor and the Democrat Party are painting lawful gun owners as extremists.

3) Let them know leadership is making it seem as if every elected Democrat is anti-gun and "on-board" with what the governor intends to do.

4) Let them know that you will support them in 2016 if they continue to support the 2nd Amendment and oppose the governor's violation of due process and misuse of watch lists for unintended purposes.

5) Ask these legislators what their opinion is of the governor's plan to impose an executive action that would revoke permits to carry a firearm, block sales of firearms, and quite possibly lead to the confiscation of legally owned private property. It is important to know where they stand. We need a written response to back up their position one way or the other. 

6) Let them know that the Governor's plan is a violation of due process. Ask them to contact the governor's office directly and tell the governor his plan is wrong, and that it violates both the U.S. Constitution and our State Constitution. Ask to be sent a copy what they send the governor.

7) Remember these are elected officials who have stood by us in the past. CCDL endorsed all of these legislators in 2014.

8) Let these legislators know that there are people on these lists who have no ties to terrorism whatsoever, and that just because they are on this list it does not mean that they are an actual terrorist.  This is important to pass along to your legislators. They may not be aware of this fact.

9) For more details, see this press release from CCDL: http://ccdl.us/blog/2015/12/17/on-partisan-comments/

Getting them on record is important. Please forward any responses to president@ccdl.us and vicepresident@ccdl.us
Please call and email these legislators Today. This is crucial!
2014 CCDL Endorsed Democratic Legislators:
Ed Jutila (D) – 37th House District Ed.Jutila@cga.ct.gov
Home: 860-739-7730 Capitol: 860-240-8585
Frank Nicastro (D) – 79th House District Frank.Nicastro@cga.ct.gov
Home: 860-585-6070 Capitol: 860-240-8585
Linda Orange (D) – 48th House District Linda.Orange@cga.ct.gov
Home: 860-537-3936 Capitol: 860-240-8585
Danny Rovero (D) – 51st House District Danny.Rovero@cga.ct.gov
Home: 860-774-3792 Capitol: 860-240-8585
Kevin Ryan (D) – 139th House District Kevin.Ryan@cga.ct.gov
Home:860-848-0790 Capitol: 860-240-8504
Louis Esposito (D) – 116th House District Lou.Esposito@cga.ct.gov
Home: 203-397-8588 Capitol: 860-240-8500
Andrew Maynard (D) – 18th Senate District Maynard@senatedems.ct.gov
Capitol: 860-240-0591
Catherine Osten (D) – 19th Senate District Osten@senatedems.ct.gov
Capitol: 860-240-8600