Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Letter to the Editor: Middletown Little League VP Comments on Parks Referendum

The following was sent as a letter to the Editor via our Facebook page
Council Members
Good Morning,
My Name is Mike Czerwonka. I am the VP of operations for Middletown Little League, a father, and a homeowner in this great city of ours.
I was very much engaged with the Milone & Macbroom study, and very much behind the artificial turf due to the overuse, and poor conditions of our playing fields. That being said the addition of new fields would also solve our problem, and I am all for it. However, to approach this project so haphazardly as you have elected to do is ludicrous. The original Milone & Macbroom plan was very precise as to what was being built, and where. This new "plan" leaves a lot to be desired as far as details go.

1) What exactly are we building? How many diamonds? How many Rectangles?
2) Where are we building them? The wetlands behind Lawrence school? The land behind Wesley school that is surrounded by, and partly wetlands? Or the contaminated land on Long Hill?
3) And of course, how will we protect this investment maintenance wise? I know, I've heard there were some maintenance challenges with the artificial turf as well, but lets be real, adding 6 more fields to what the parks department can't keep up with now will be disastrous. Take a ride over to Hubbard park today, have a look at those fields. Talk to the guys that work on them.

The youth sporting community of Middletown (weather for or against artificial turf) is in agreement that the city can not maintain what we have, if we build new, with no plan, and no long term maintenance in just a few short years, we will have crap. 14 million dollars worth.
The thousands of parents with kids in youth sports have jobs, families, and of course youth sports to coach/attend, so they can not flood council chambers with stickers on their shirts to lobby the topic dejour. But they do vote. And from what I have heard on the side lines this past week, this bond will not pass referendum. They/ we want to know, what exactly are we paying for.
I heard councilman Streeto say that "politics is the art of the possible". Thats a lot of tax payer dollars to spend on something you think, is possible. That kind of money needs, concise planning, and execution.,
Fail to plan, plan to fail.
Thank you
Mike Czerwonka

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