Wednesday, August 26, 2015

"Today" by Jerry Augustine

Guest blog by local Jerry Augustine.

Today I….
Today I... crawled out of my cloud, (aka king size bed) , which I cling to the edge as if I am about to slide down the side of a mountain. I do not know why I do this as there is about an acre of space on this mattress where I could spread out doing perpetual snow eagles all over it. I also have recurring dreams, or you could easily reclassify them as nightmares, of falling in space. I do hope I never land!

I made my way to the Klekolo coffee shop, still in a cloud, because as I get older it takes about two hours before my head clears to face the wonderments of todays society. We meet daily at approximately 6:30 a.m. to discuss whatever is on someones mind at that time of day. There is an interesting group of characters that show up to have their morning jolt.

There are bicyclists , runners, police officers, retirees, bank officials, war veterans, mechanics, journalists, and those heading to work at their day jobs. Those are the ones that I have met so far. And they are there every day.

The topics discussed have to be competitive with the CNN news channel. I have heard talks on coin collecting, gun collecting, all antiques, car collecting and repair,
building, real estate, medical problems, insurance, veteran benefits,--it just doesn't end.

The different brews that I've witnessed that these customers enjoy could fill a large book. The drinks vary from $1.50 to $6.00 and above.

There are capachinos, lattes, espressos, dark roast, light roast, medium roast,
and everything you could imagine in between, specialty drinks are their forte.
I've seen drinks you wouldn't even try to call coffee. One large clear glass mug my friend has every morning is a five dollar wonder. Yes, I wonder what it is. It consists of three tiers and resembles one of those colored sand sculptures. Tan, pink and brown. The brown must be the coffee. When I first saw this I thought he was drinking sand.

Anyway it's a great way to start the day as I am always off to fulfill my day with adventures.

I either drive for St. Lukes to take elderly or disabled veterans to their appointments,
maintain my yard, work on classic cars, or do the things on my to-do list which never seems to get short!

Jerry Augustine, Middletown

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