Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Word to the Wise

A word to all our Republican candidates:  Endorsed canidates, primary challengers and others, please keep in mind Reagan’s 11th commandment, “Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican.”

It is extraordinarily important that this commandment not be broken.  Let’s face it -- after the dust has settled, it gets swept back into the same bin, the Republican bin and we don’t need to be writing talking points for the Democrats.

Like all families, there is bound to be disagreement, bickering and so forth, but a strong, sound and wise family keeps it in-house.  We must do the same or the Democrats will have us for lunch.  Again.

I forget who said it, but “infighting is a luxury reserved for the supermajority.”   That ain’t us Republicans, folks.

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