Rebecca Isaacson 200 LAROSA LANE
Michael Kingsbury MIDDLETOWN, CT 06457
Stephanie Russell Telephone (860) 704-4599 Fax (860) 704-4599 Amanda S. Thomson
For Immediate Release Contact: Megan Nesci
November 6, 2013 Phone: (860) 704-4599 X 4594
Email: nescim@mps1.org
NEWS RELEASE – For Immediate Release
MIDDLETOWN -- The Middletown Agriculture Science & Technology program, located at Middletown High School, is now accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year. The program will also be hosting an Information Night for interested middle school students and their parents and/or guardians. The event will take place on Thursday, November 14, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the agriculture center, located at Middletown High School, 200 LaRosa Lane, Middletown.
Interested students can tour the agriculture facility, meet with administrators, staff and students, and learn more about program requirements and the application process. The curriculum offers instruction in Animal Science, Plant Science, Natural Resources and Agricultural Mechanics.
The Middletown Regional Agriculture Science & Technology Program is available to high school students from Chester, Clinton, Clinton, Deep River, Durham, East Hampton, Essex, Guilford, Haddam, Killingworth, Madison, Middlefield, Middletown, Portland, Rocky Hill, Old Saybrook and Westbrook.
To register for the Program Information Night, or for more information about the Middletown Regional Agriculture Science and Technology Program, please call (860) 704-4599 or consult the web at www.middletownschools.org.
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