Monday, November 25, 2013

South Fire Reponds to Structure Fire on Maple Shade

Structure Fire 595 Maple Shade road Middletown. South Fire District responded at 0755 am for a detached shed fire. Fire quickly spread with wind conditions to a large garage and a couple of cars. South Fire District was assisted by Middletown Fire on scene.Water supply was Haddam, Portland, Durham and Middlefield with Tankers. No injuries reported on scene. Fire Marshal's on scene from South Fire District, State Fire Marshal office.

         Michael J.Howley

Capt. Michael J. Howley
South Fire District Middletown
445 Randolph Road
Middletown CT.  06457


  1. Why no tanker? Much of south district has no access to fire hydrants . Trying to understand why south district fire doesn't have one. If someone knows please comment.

  2. Because most people in South District don't put hot ash in plastic containers.

    We leave those idiot moves for the dopes at Westlake Volunteer Fire.


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