Monday, November 25, 2013

Kiwanis Of Middletown News: MHS Powder Puff Football Game & Warm the Children campaign needs your help!

From Kiwanis website, club officers at the Cape Cod Kiwanis Convention
Middletown High School - LaRosa Lane, Middletown, CT 
TODAY Monday, November 25, 2013 7 pm.
Junior vs. Senior Girls in a game of flag football, male students as cheerleaders.
Middletown High Key Club's annual Powder Puff flag football game fundraiser! This is a major fundraiser for our Key Club. Kiwanis members are helping with gate collections. A really fun event for all involved from the players to the spectators! Come on down!

What Is Warm The Children?
The Warm The Children program provides new basic and warm winter clothing and footwear for needy children, ages birth through age 15, in the greater Middletown area.
The families are referred to us by various sources including the public elementary & middle schools in Middletown, Portland, Cromwell, East Hampton and Regional School District 13 Durham-Middlefield, CRT’s Head Start, Middletown Adult Education’s Even Start, as well as the Middlesex Hospital’s Family Advocacy programs and the Salvation Army. We do not take individual requests.
Based upon funding availability, Warm The Children establishes the number of children to be served during the upcoming winter season. Each agency/school is then given an allotment of referrals they can make for the season.
All donations and grants to Warm The Children are used to purchase new clothing. There is no payroll; the program is all volunteer, and any incidental costs, such as postage for thank you letters, are paid for by the Middletown Kiwanis Club.

Want to Help? Click to enlarge and print the form!

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