Friday, November 22, 2013

Guestblog: Conservative Round up by Palin Smith

Guestblog by Connecticut resident videographer & activist Palin Smith. The Middletown Insider publishes guestblogs as a courtesy to readers, opinions expressed may not be that of the Insider staff.


JOHN MCKINNEY MUST GO This week got off with a successful rally in Southport.
Not many donors attended a John McKinney fundraiser at a popular restaurant.
Several new activists including Jack from Bethlehem, whose natural talent was amazing.
Several videos may be found attached to this view of Jack describing why he was there in the dark so far from his cozy home 40 miles away.

There are two men whom must never be elected governor. First is Governor Dannel Malloy because we've seen what damage he can inflict. Second is John McKinney, who can never be trusted again to lead.


GETTYSBURG ADDRESS Tuesday was the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg address. The New Haven Museum commemorated the date by hosting an enthusiastic history professor and an amazing Lincoln re-enactor. We videoed the entire presentation. Questions from the 100 people in attendance were particularly of interest. There are seven clips in all. You may view them all by following this link.


TEA PARTY CHALLENGES MALLOY TO DEBATE Bob MacGuffie, the spokesman for the Ct Tea Party reacted to the Governor's attack on our Tea Party Patriots. You can see what led up to the challenge, and then read an article in the Hartford Courant blog.

And acting on a request from Tom Dudchik of the Capitol Report, we traveled to Fairfield to record MacGuffie's video challenge. Dudchik said he intends to make a news story of this challenge and will feature it on his Sunday morning TV show.


SHAWN IN BRISTOL Last Tuesday, Nov. 12, we backed up Bristol anti-Agenda 21 activist Shawn Ruest, in his attempt to awaken his city in time to forestall a big mistake.
We all should become aware of any regional unelected governmental entities that threaten our way of life. If you don't pay attention you might just be left with a big bill to try to pay off. We should have at least one Shawn in each CT town.


COMMON CORE The next day, Wednesday Nov. 13 we attended the regular Plymouth Board of Education meeting. At that meeting were possibly the best team of Common Core fighters ever assembled at a CT small town BOE meeting. It was historic to watch our friends from Plymouth and other towns work together to help educate the BOE and others at the meeting. If you would like these patriots to help you reject the Common Core State Standards in your town, contact us.


WALLINGFORD Be advised that there will be a state wide meeting on Common Core this Saturday, Nov. 23 from 1-4 PM at the Wallingford Parks and Rec. Building at 6 Fairfield Blvd. And please join the STOP Common Core Face Book group to keep constantly informed. Almost 700 members and growing fast.


SAVE OUR STATE since the spring we've watched a group of patriots form a political action group in the Quiet Corner. After seven months the group has grown to exceed the activity of local Republican Town committees. They manned stations at the polling places in the 29th state senate district on Election Day. They used issues to attract attention, educate and persuade the voters. Have you ever seen the CT GOP do that?

Led by Duffy Dauphinais of Killingly, their goal is to supply enough volunteers to topple Donald Williams from the State Senate. They are still searching for the best candidate to oppose Williams, and when they find that person they will have a ready-made campaign infrastructure ready to roll. If you would like to join the District 29 chapter of Save Our State you can follow Duffy's prompting in this video. And you can start your own group anywhere, any time. And we will help.


MARCH AGAINST MAIN STREAM MEDIA CT We stayed in the Quiet Corner Friday night. First thing on Saturday morning we headed westward to attend our first ever March Against Main Stream Media CT.
A varied group of patriots gathered in front of the Hartford Courant Building at 1 PM.

Joe Visconti and Dani McEvoy hosted the event which lasted over two hours. The weather was perfect. You can view the highlights by linking from this video interview.


ELIZABETH ESTY What's a Democrat to do these days? The Congressman is getting bashed from the right and the left. 2014 is going to be so much fun to watch. But so much more fun to participate. Join up now and be a hero.


We often travel the state to attend and record pertinent events and rallies. Along the way we seek out welcome signs in every town. Our goal is to collect an image in all 169 towns and cities by April 4, 2014. To make things clearer, here's an example of our recent work. Today we picked up five more towns. We're almost half way to our goal.
If you like beautiful music you will enjoy this.


"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato

Palin Smith

ps. Ray Hackett, a veteran reporter/op ed writer for the Norwich Bulletin admitted what we knew all along. The recent election results indicate that Democrats are in trouble in CT. If only the CT GOP doesn't screw up again!!

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